”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy opened a provisional medical center
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A provisional medical center for the students of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has been opened today, March 10, within the Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, located in Student Campus from Malina Mica district (26/1, N. Testemitanu str.). The action takes place due to the intensification of prophylaxis measures at the University level, after the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection announced the code orange, on March 8, regarding the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) at the national level.
The vice-rectors Marcel Abras and Valeriu Revenco paid a documentation visit this morning to the Medical Center in order to valuate the level of staff training who provides medical assistance to students with acute respiratory infections.
According to the university professor Valeriu Revenco, vice-rector for clinical activity and residency, the launched service has two sorting points and two isolation boxes for sick people, but medical assistance will be carried out by five doctors (under the guidance of the Head physician of Clinic of Primary Medical Care, Angela Tomacinschii), from Monday to Friday, between 9:00-18:00, and on Saturday and Sunday, between 9:00-15:00. In case of any emergency, the students can call 022 205602, 022 205603 (Registrar’s Office).
The vice-rector Marcel Abras, responsible for social activity, pointed out that students who live in the hostels from Malina Mica district, who will have symptoms such as high fiver, cough etc., outside the working hours of the medical center, will address to the hostel administrator. The latter will comply with the provisions of Order of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection no. 222 of 04.03.2020 regarding the provision of medical assistance to people who meet the criteria of the case definition COVID-19; will isolate the person and call 112 Service in order to be taken to a specialized medical institution.
We should mention that the University has taken several prophylaxis measures to stop the spread of Coronavirus infection. In this context, it was established an epidemiological Commission at the University level, which will periodically meet for discussing and analyzing the current situation regarding the COVID-19 in our country. The teaching activity will not be suspended, it will be excluded the direct contact of the students with patients in hospitals, but the lectures will be held in separate study rooms or on online platforms. At the same time, the study program will be reduced by dividing it into two shifts (8:00-11:30 and 12:00-15:30). During the classes, the teaching staff will monitor the health status of students and in case of identifying some symptoms, they will recommend to those sick students to address to the family doctor and not to come to classes.
Also, at the University level, an order was issued regarding the prophylaxis measures of the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and the compliance with its provisions is strictly monitored.
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