May 9 – Europe Day
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Every year, on 9 May, we celebrate Europe Day – an action that marks the peace and unity of the European Union (EU), as well as its importance as a world force.
Even if it is not a member of the great community, the Republic of Moldova has always received the support and encouragement of the EU in all fields of activity: economic, social, political, medical, etc. The continued support of the European institutions has become even more perceptible with the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic. Through its assistance and development programs, Europe was the first partner to announce its readiness to support our country in overcoming the health crisis, and the process continues to this day, the EU being the largest donor of vaccines against the new type of coronavirus.
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy can be proud of its European course. The institution joined the European programs two decades ago, and their implementation directly contributes to the internationalization of the institution and the adjusting to European standards. Due to European programs and offered opportunities, the quality of teaching and learning methodology and of higher education programs has been improved, with a view to adjusting to the European model of medical and pharmaceutical education. Emphasis has been placed on the efficiency and excellence of research management and the promotion of Open Science concept, aspects related to strategic development planning and institutional management have been strengthened, all these actions being undertaken with the purpose of streamlining medical education according to international educational standards.
Due to European projects, students, PhD students, academic and administrative staff have benefited from academic mobility, gaining professional skills and abilities and applying them upon return. Moreover, the training carried out in European institutions has been automatically given credit and recognized by our institution. Currently, the University is a partner in several European projects, such as Tempus, Erasmus plus, Erasmus Mundus, Spring, MINERVA, MHELM – programs concerning education, professional training and youth.
The fact that the Republic of Moldova is not yet a full member of the European family is a disadvantage, for this reason we do not have access to all programs offered by the European Union. However, partnerships with leading institutions in Europe help us access many available programs. In this context, we would like to mention the considerable contribution of universities and medical centers from Romania, which represents the greatest supporter of Nicolae Testemitanu University, followed by Germany, Greece and, more recently, Spain and Poland. Given the opening of these European states, our university manages to become a European institution not only through the values it promotes, but also through diplomas issued to its beneficiaries of studies.
While celebrating Europe Day – May 9, we want to express the gratitude of Nicolae Testemitanu University’s entire academic community for the constant support, which is of key importance for our European path.
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