Launch of integrated cross border network for advanced health services in the field of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders project
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Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi, Romania, in partnership with Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova have jointly launched the project Integrated Cross Border Network for Advanced Health Services in the Field of Obesity, Diabetes and Other Metabolic Disorders – OBDIA-NET ” on June 24, 2021.
University professor Viorel Scripcariu, Rector of UMPh Iasi, has mentioned at the beginning of the event that “this is a bold project of considerable value and I hope that the proposed objectives, especially the development of a network for providing health services in the field of obesity, diabetes and nutrition, will be fulfilled”.
Academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research, Director of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research attended the project launching conference as Nicolae Testemitanu University representative. In this context, the academician appreciated the support of Grigore T. Popa UMPh offered to our university for the creation of Clinical Epidemiology Unit (CEU), which "constitutes an important element of collaboration with all CEUs, in particular those from Romania, not only in the training of students, resident-doctors and PhD students in research methodology area, but also in providing consultancy for structuring study protocols in multidisciplinary research. As a result, it has become possible to obtain funding in the form of national and international grants as well as to publish the results of conducted research in medical journals with impact factor", mentioned the vice-rector.
According to professor Groppa, the impact of the cross-border project resides in the formation of joint research-innovation teams with complementary skills in solving common problems. ”In the context of increasing the efficiency of scientific performance and adjusting to contemporary rigors and requirements, at Nicolae Testemitanu University The Strategy for Strengthening the field of Research and Innovation for 2020-2030 has been developed and approved. As a result, the National Institute for Health and Medical Research has been founded in order to transform the research infrastructure into a contemporary one, capable of ensuring advanced scientific research, education through research and integration into international networks of research and technological transfer infrastructures. OBDIA-NET project represents a strategic scientific direction for our university and another important step in the development of bilateral relations in research", stressed the academician.
OBDIA-NET is to become an international network for promoting integrated clinical care, research, education and prevention and for developing an infrastructure of delivery state-of-the-art therapies to people with obesity, diabetes and nutrition problems living in these regions. The general objective of the project is to create a network of excellence in the delivery of health services, medical research (fundamental, preclinical and clinical) and education among entities with expertise in the field of obesity, diabetes and nutrition. The project aims to create and develop a transnational and multidisciplinary network (research/services/education) consisting of interconnected thematic centers that serve the regional population in the border area; to provide direct medical services for the population of the region and research services for the benefit of partner universities and medical units; to improve the educational system in the region and contribute to the institutional development of partners through the acquisition of facilities and the establishment of research and teaching laboratories in the two partner institutions.
The project is funded by Romania-Republic of Moldova Cross Border Program 2014-2020, Priority 4.1 – Support for the development of health services and access to health, to be implemented over a period of 24 months (April 27, 2021-26 April 2023), with an allocated budget of 1,439,631 euros. The budget of Nicolae Testemitanu University is 326,400 euros.
Photo-credit: Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi.
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