campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”

“Nicolae Testemitanu” University students carry out the information campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”

Published: 11.03.2022

Studenții USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu” desfășoară campania de informare ,,Masca protejează, Vaccinul salvează"

Students and resident physicians of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, members of the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova (ASRM), have launched the national information campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save!”. The purpose of the action is to provide the general public with accurate information about COVID-19, virus variants and the role of vaccination.

Thus, between February 16 and April 16, about 60 doctors will visit over 40 localities of the country to discuss with citizens about COVID-19 and the importance of immunization, and to answer their questions.

So far, volunteers have been on 19 trips to Balti, Edinet, Hincesti, Orhei, Nisporeni, Causeni, Telenesti, Briceni, Soldanesti, Cupcini, Anenii Noi, Donduseni, Vadul lui Voda, Singerei, Ialoveni and Rezina. “The Republic of Moldova is facing a large number of cases of SARS-CoV-2, given that the national coverage with the complete anti-COVID vaccination scheme constitutes currently only about 29%. People do not have accurate information about vaccines because they are exposed to a lot of fake news about COVID-19. We are going to visit the busiest places such as markets, train stations, churches and shops, talk to people and answer their questions”, said Gheorghe Buruiana, president of ASRM.

Masks Protect, Vaccines Save! information campaign is part of “COVID-19: Civil Society Resilience and Sustainability” project, implemented by the Equal Rights and Independent Media (ERIM) and funded by the European Union. The project aims to support the civil society, activists and the independent media, so that they can continue their work during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”
campaign “Masks Protect, Vaccines Save”

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