LIVE: „Biotechnology for economic & societal development in Southern and Eastern Europe” – a premiere for the Republic of Moldova
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On September 29 and 30, 2022, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova hosts the scientific event ICGEB & The Future of Science with the generic title Biotechnology for economic & societal development in Southern and Eastern Europe, organized on behalf of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology – ICGEB from Trieste, Italy. This meeting represents a premiere for the scientific community of the Republic of Moldova and is part of the ICGEB Meetings and Courses Programme, which involves an interdisciplinary approach to topics in the field of biotechnology and scientific communication.
The event takes place in the Senate Hall, Main Teaching Building, 3rd floor (165, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Ave), starting at 9:00 a.m.
The inauguration of the scientific forum was attended by Adrian Belii, vice-chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Social Protection, Health and Family; Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova Ala Nemerenco; Minister of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova Anatolie Topala; representative of the World Health Organization in the Republic of Moldova Dr. Miljana Grbic; ambassadors of Italy, Romania and Latvia in our country; Dr. Lawrence Banks, Director-General of the ICGEB.
The event brings together outstanding personalities in the field of biotechnology and scientific communication from 15 countries: Austria, Italy, France, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia, Georgia, Montenegro, South Africa, India, Iraq, Pakistan and the Republic of Moldova.
International and national speakers will address topics, such as biotechnology for sustainable development; the role of biotechnology in economic and social development, science and politics: scientific communication tools and practices; implementing change for responsible research and innovation; scientific communication as a social responsibility, etc.
The program also includes practical sessions with the participation of a mixed target audience, consisting of researchers and journalists, where case studies will be presented on the scientific communication tools used by ICGEB and partner institutions.
The Republic of Moldova became an ICGEB full-right member country in 2019, and Nicolae Testemitanu University represents the national contact point, responsible for collaboration with the international organization. As a result, national research institutions in the field of biotechnologies and molecular-genetic research (public or private) can benefit from the advantages of joining this international Centre. With components in Trieste (Italy), New Delhi (India) and Cape Town (South Africa), the Centre is part of the United Nations system and forms an interactive network with the affiliated centres of the member states.
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