Rector Emil Ceban – Doctor Honoris Causa of ”Aurel Vlaicu” Arad University
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The Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Professor Emil Ceban, was awarded the honorary title Doctor Honoris Causa of Aurel Vlaicu Arad University (UAV) from Romania. The ceremony took place on July 7, 2023 in the UAV Senate Hall.
According to the rector of Aurel Vlaicu University, Dr. Ramona Lile, the academic community of UAV is honored to receive a personality of the medical scientific world - Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, Professor Emil Ceban, who has a particularly important role in the development of education and medical scientific research. "His prodigious scientific, academic and managerial activity brought him recognition at the European and international level", pointed out the UAV rector.
In the Laudatio, presented by the president of the Romanian University Senate, university professor Ioan Radu emphasized the dimension of Professor Emil Ceban’s personality and his extensive scientific, academic, and managerial activity, recognized at European and international level.
Professor Emil Ceban is the rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, university professor at the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology, president of the Council of Rectors of the Republic of Moldova, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, president of the Public Health Advisory Council of The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, and President of the Balkan Medical Union from the Republic of Moldova. Prior to assuming the position of Nicolae Testemitanu University rector, he was actively involved in the university management, as vice-rector for clinical activity, vice-rector for education and social issues, president of the Collaborators’ Trade Union Committee, head of the doctoral, master's and postdoctoral section, and President of the Students’ Trade Union Committee at the institution he leads now.
Professor Emil Ceban is a promoter of international collaborations and the initiator of numerous interactions and cooperations between the institution headed by him and the foreign academic community, standing out in terms of enhancing cooperation within the Romanian academic community, materialized including through joining the G6 UMF University Alliance from Romania, as honorary member of Nicolae Testemitanu University.
He initiated and participated in numerous training programs and international academic conferences, thus facilitating the exchange of experience among specialist doctors from the Republic of Moldova and at the international level.
Professor Emil Ceban also carries out a prodigious scientific activity. The research in the field of urology, coordinated by the distinguished professor, represents a landmark at the international level with a strong impact on the scientific community in the area and a high practical applicability. The quality of this research is highlighted by dissemination in numerous recognized scientific journals, prestigious scientific events, as well as manuals, monographs that guide the work of other specialists in the field.
The innovation in medicine, promoted by Professor Emil Ceban, materialized in 9 invention patents and other intellectual property objects, obtained for the launch of methods and devices, with immediate practical applicability, resulting in the improvement of the quality of medical care provided to patients.
The didactic materials written by Professor Ceban - a methodological guide, 9 course notes, 4 methodical guidelines, a clinical protocol and 6 compendiums, create the basis of training courses meant for many generations of medical students and resident doctors.
“As he meets absolutely all the necessary criteria, Professor Emil Ceban justly deserves the highest academic title of Doctor Honoris Causa, which, I am convinced, he will continue to honor, this time as an honorary member of the academic community of Aurel Vlaicu Arad University,” the president of the Senate emphasized.
In his speech, Rector Emil Ceban mentioned that by this high title award, the activity and achievements of the entire academic community of Nicolae Testemitanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy were appreciated and expressed his gratitude and cordial thanks on their behalf. In this context, the rector commended the collaboration between the institutions - a professional, sincere, and open partnership with the same social purpose and sustainable development objectives. "We have the same roots and the same historical past, the same culture and the same outstanding personalities, we speak the same language. All these elements together ensure the perpetuation of our identity as a nation. We always feel the support offered by the Romanian state to our country, especially during this period of pre-accession to the European Union, for which we are deeply grateful", concluded the rector.
On this solemn occasion, the university community conveys sincere congratulations to Rector Emil Ceban, wishing him good health, strength and perseverance, new projects, and outstanding achievements!
It should be mentioned that during July 3-7, 2023. rector Emil Ceban, vice-rector for social activity Marcel Abras and university professor Adrian Hotineanu participated in an academic mobility at Aurel Vlaicu Arad University.
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