Ambassador of Greece visits ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University
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”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy was honored by the visit of His Excellency Mr. Nicolaos Krikos, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hellenic Republic to the Republic of Moldova, who was accompanied by his attaché Iakovos Karakidis. The first visit on November 19 was one of information and documentation and involved an exchange of views on the cooperation between the relevant institutions in our country and Greece, as well as the identification of opportunities for the development of relations in the field of education, research and health.
During the meeting, Rector Emil Ceban gave a brief presentation of the University, from its foundation until now, highlighting the internationalization process and the partnerships with prominent institutions in Greece. In this context, Professor Ceban emphasized that "the main prerogative of the University is the creation of the University Hospital, and we count on the support of European partners to achieve this goal".
Ambassador Krikos expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the team and the progress made by the University over the years. At the same time, the diplomat emphasized the importance of quality education and supporting international collaboration initiatives between higher education institutions, especially in the field of medicine – a field of common interest. "For the first time since the independence of the Republic of Moldova, in Chisinau, a diplomatic representation of the Hellenic Republic was opened and, as ambassador, I assure you of the support of the diplomatic mission in promoting bilateral cooperation at the level of states and institutions", said the ambassador.
The parties also discussed the possibilities of expanding academic mobility and joint research programs between Nicolae Testemitanu University and Greek universities.
The delegation visited several conference, protocol and study rooms within the Central Teaching Building of the University, to familiarize themselves with the infrastructure and the conditions in which future doctors are trained. Ambassador Krikos had the opportunity to talk with students and teaching staff members and exchange views on medical education and scientific research.
The Rector expressed gratitude to the Greek diplomat for the interest shown in our institution, underlining the openness and commitment of the University to develop new international partnerships with prominent institutions in Greece.
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