Dunhuang traditional chinese medicine to be applied at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University Medical Rehabilitation Center
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”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova will intensify its collaboration with the Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, through the creation of the Dunhuang Medicine Department within the University Medical Rehabilitation Center. This moment was formalized on November 22, 2024, by unveiling a plaque symbolizing the introduction of Dunhuang medicine into the services of the University Center for Medical Rehabilitation.
The event was attended by representatives of the Gansu province administration, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Moldova, the Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the University Clinic of Primary Medical Care, the University Center for Medical Rehabilitation, teaching staff, rehabilitation and traditional Chinese medicine specialists, students and resident doctors, etc.
In the opening of the ceremony, the first vice-rector Olga Cernetchi emphasized the stages of collaboration in the field of health between the Republic of Moldova and the People's Republic of China dating back to 1961, when the Chinese professor Link Cin I brought the basics of traditional Chinese medicine to our country. Subsequently, partnerships were established, and numerous projects were carried out, continuing the exchange of knowledge and experience. One of the major projects developed in the Republic of Moldova is the Traditional Chinese Medicine University Center at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, created in 2011 with the support of the Chinese government. Another strategic collaboration was initiated, in 2015, with the Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, which was strengthened in the didactic, scientific areas, as well as through an extensive academic mobility program.
"Today, we celebrate the beginning of a new stage of our collaboration, by creating the Department of Dunhuang Medicine within the University Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, which involves the implementation of ancient treatment methods specific to traditional Chinese medicine. I am convinced that through academic mobilities and the training of specialists in traditional Chinese medicine, the Center will bring significant benefits for both institutions, especially for the health of the population of the Republic of Moldova", emphasized prof. Olga Cernetchi, expressing gratitude to the Chinese partners for the support given in the implementation of bilateral projects.
Executive vice-governor of Gansu province Cheng Xiaobo thanked the authorities of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and all Moldovans who support traditional Chinese medicine, which represents an important scientific and cultural heritage, a resource to support the national economy and a treasure of Chinese science. "We are grateful for the fruitful cooperative relations between the Gansu University of Traditional Medicine and Nicolae Testemitanu University which are continuously developing. Thanks to the efforts of the governments of the Republic of Moldova and China, we are moving to the third phase of development of the bilateral project, hoping that it will be a real success, and teachers, students and doctors will understand the beauty of traditional Chinese medicine and feel its benefits for the health of the population. It would be nice to capitalize on traditional Chinese medicine, combining it with European medicine for the benefit of patients", specified the Chinese guest.
Prof. Ion Ababii, former rector of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University, stated that it was an honor for our university to collaborate with institutions from China, which helped us implement innovative projects in the training process and integrate traditional Chinese medicine in the provision of medical assistance to patients.
At the end of the ceremony, the governor offered certificates of honor to rector Emil Ceban, former rector Ion Ababii and Lucia Fiser, university assistant at the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Manual Therapy, for substantial contribution to the development of the Moldovan Chinese partnership.
The Chinese delegation visited the rooms of the University Center for Medical Rehabilitation, which are well-equipped for the application of traditional Chinese medicine methods. At the same time, the guests witnessed a demonstration of Dunhuang medicine techniques.
The action took place in the context of the implementation of the 3rd stage of the project for strengthening the capacities of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, the Cooperation Agreement being signed between Nicolae Testemitanu University and the Gansu University of Chinese Medicine this September.
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