French text contest winners have been designated
The winners of French-language text contest “Fausses information et santé: adoptez les bons réflexes!” (Health Misinformation: Adopt the Right Reflexes!) have been named during a festive ceremony held on March 28, 2022.
According to the score, the first place was obtained by Tudorina-Alexandra Deșan, student at the Faculty of Dentistry, the second place by Marinela Moraru, student at the Faculty of Medicine no. 1, and the third place was offered to several medical students, including: Ana-Maria Zavtoni, Liliana Recean and Jana Crudu from the Faculty of Medicine no. 1, and Louhichi Tasnim from the Faculty of Medicine no. 2. In addition to the well-deserved diploma, the young people received prizes - valuable vouchers for the purchase of gadgets or accessories - useful tools for studies at the University.
The participants' works were analyzed and evaluated by a professional jury, represented by Daniela Eșanu-Dumnazev, head of the Department of Modern Languages, Gabriela Șoric, vice dean at the Faculty of Medicine no. 1, Veronica Ichim, Deputy Head, Department of External Relations and European Integration, Marie-Elsa Schleifer, lecturer in French language at AUF-Moldova National Office and Ala David, Assistant Professor at the Department of Modern Languages.
Claudia Vișan, AUF-Moldova National Office, present at the award ceremony, congratulated the winners of the competition, noting that Nicolae Testemitanu University students who participate in various activities always demonstrate extensive general knowledge, professionalism and responsibility. Further she encouraged medical students to continue to achieve good results in all their activities.
”Fausses information et santé: adoptez les bons réflexes!” French text contest for students took place between February 15 and March 20, 2022, and was organized by the Center for University Achievement (CRU) in collaboration with the Department of Modern Languages of Nicolae Testemitanu University, with the support of the Francophone University Agency (AUF). The activity is part of the CRU project Approche pédagogique de la communication rédaction scientifique en français dans les spécialités médicales (Pedagogical approach to written scientific communication in French in medical specialties) for the academic year 2021-2022, and its purpose is to promote university francophonie by motivating young people to express themselves in French on topical issues.
The event took place in the context of the International Francophonie Day, marked annually on March 20.
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