Graduates of „Nicolae Testemitanu” University – the Class of 2021 – grateful to Alma Mater
Overwhelmed by emotions and feelings of joy and fulfillment, the graduates of „Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova have uttered in unison the Oath of a Doctor and a Pharmacist. About 1000 young specialists of the Class of 2021 have completed their university studies – one of the most beautiful periods of their lives. In festive outfits, accompanied by parents, relatives and friends, the graduates gathered on June 11 in the arena of „Zimbru” Stadium of the capital to mark the end of the first stage in their professional development as doctors and pharmacists. For the first time in the history of the University, the ceremony brought together all local and international graduates, as the event took place in Romanian and English.
Traditionally, the event has been inaugurated by the Rector of the University, professor Emil Ceban, who emphasized that the Oath-taking ceremony signified maturity, dedication, and commitment to the chosen profession of doctor and pharmacist. At the same time, this event marks the beginning of a journey that implies taking on greater responsibilities, but also getting satisfaction from obtaining victory over diseases, human suffering and death.
”Sleepless nights, emotions before exams, intensive work days in study rooms, laboratories, and at the patient bedside are over. The Class of 2021 would remain in the history of the University as a special one, which studied in pandemic conditions. In parallel with participating in the study process, you have worked in medical institutions, volunteered, and attended the anti-COVID vaccination marathon. You have contributed to saving people’s lives, for which you deserve our full appreciation. The Class of 2021 is also special as it launches the first licensed specialists in Optometry”, emphasized the rector.
In the end, the rector urged the young people to rely on their own strengths and assured them that the doors of Alma Mater would always remain open, because the profession of doctor and pharmacist required a continuous education throughout the entire professional activity.
The deans of the four faculties of „Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy have also addressed congratulatory messages to graduates. Gheorghe Placinta, Dean of Faculty of Medicine No. 1, stressed that today's graduates were embarking on a path for which they had thoroughly prepared during their years of study: „It will be a long journey and we will continue to interact. Whenever you need specialized support, consultations, you can find us here, at Alma Mater”.
The dean noticed that “together we are a strong team, formed during 75 years of activity. Our graduates have demonstrated their professional qualities over time, getting jobs virtually all over the world. Some of them have become well-known personalities, founders of schools and innovative research departments, heads of institutions and medical departments in various centers around the world”.
Nicolae Ciobanu, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, expressed his confidence that the young pharmacists of this graduating class would provide qualified pharmaceutical assistance and quality services: ”You are the ones who will prove that pharmacy is not a commercial activity, and medicine is not foodstuff”. The dean warned them that during their activity they might experience situations when the patient would need not only medication, but also good advice, which could sometimes help just as well.
Oleg Solomon, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, stressed the graduates should be guided in life by three absolute values: Truth, Kindness and Beauty. ”Design with dignity your own destiny, so that, in the end, you can find career satisfaction and personal fulfillment. Have a bright future ahead!”, the dean wished them.
Mircea Betiu, Dean of Faculty of Medicine No. 2, addressed especially the international graduates and reminded them that despite difficulties and challenges, including those associated with the pandemic, they succeeded! ”You are the winners for yourselves, your families and your communities! Now you can take the first step in your professional, social and, why not, civil life – you are licensed MD-s! Keep Alma Mater and Moldova in your hearts – a country where you have been trained to become specialists in the health area”, concluded the dean.
Hans Bjorn, one of the partners and founders of Optometry program at our university, says in his congratulatory video message that „Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is the first and only institution in Eastern Europe to include Optometry in the educational programs, hoping that this specialty will be supported and developed further. In this context, the Norwegian expert congratulated the first class of optometrists in particular, assuring them that he was proud and happy with their choice.
Representatives of graduates of all study programs also delivered messages of gratitude. Anastasia Balau, a graduate of the Optometry study program, expressed her gratitude, especially to the teachers who helped her to follow this path, sometimes difficult, but leading to a beautiful destination. ”We have shown that we can succeed here, at home, including building a modern specialty. We will not stop here – the fear of the unknown has given us courage, and now our dreams have become even greater. We thank Alma Mater for the opportunity and promise not to disappoint!”, said the young specialist.
Haig Manuel, graduate of Faculty of Medicine No. 2, German citizen, expressed thanks to the Republic of Moldova for “this unique opportunity it offered us to fulfill our ambitions, for all the memories we made here, for its hospitality and its people. I am humbled that not only we became friends here, we became family. My fellow doctors, I am looking forward to working with you towards a brighter future. In this long anticipated moment, let us take a deep breath, get some fresh, sweet air of success, and remember to show our gratitude to all people who walked this journey with us throughout these years”.
This year, „Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy launched 990 specialists: 736 completed Medicine study program, 146 – Dentistry, 71 – Pharmacy, 28 – Preventive Medicine, and 9 – Optometry. 550 young specialists were local graduates and 440 were international graduates from 21 countries, most of them from Israel – 337 and 61 from India.
Two graduates of the Medicine study program moderated the ceremony: Maria Marian and Haig Manuel. Representatives of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy administration, deans, vice-deans, heads of departments and other university subdivisions, professors, students, and parents attended the Oath taking ceremony.
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