Memorandum of collaboration concluded with The European Institute for Medical Studies from Malta
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova and the European Institute for Medical Studies from Malta (EIMS) will cooperate on the internationalization of study processes and the expansion of the academic offer. In this context, on November 8, 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions was signed by Olga Cernetchi, first vice-rector, vice-rector for didactic activity and academic management, and Andrea Mascolo, academic director of the European Institute for Medical Studies from Malta. The meeting was attended by representatives of the administration of the Faculty of Stomatology, the Department of External Relations and European Integration, the Department of Communication and Public Relations.
First vice-rector Olga Cernetchi briefly reported the history of the University and the development of the Faculty of Stomatology over the years, highlighting the professionalism of the teaching staff, the international accreditations, the adaptation of the study programs to the standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), the internationalization of the study process, the increase in the number of international students due to the quality of studies, the need to expand the space intended for training, research and clinical activity in correlation with the increased demand on the educational market etc. "Quality assurance in education is a key aspect in the University. Currently, Nicolae Testemitanu University focuses on updating the study programs, consolidating the technical-material base, equipping the faculty and university dental clinics with high-performance devices and machinery, to offer the students all the necessary conditions to put the acquired knowledge into practice", prof. Olga Cernetchi pointed out.
The Malta EIMS academic director was impressed by what he saw at Nicolae Testemitanu University and at the Faculty of Stomatology. "You are not Europe - you are the new Europe! I visited the Faculty of Stomatology, where you have implemented European standards. You are a very powerful institution. I hope that this collaboration will give us the opportunity to take over from your culture. And from the professionalism of the teaching staff, from the solid structure that you have created in this field during these years, and I hope that the institution that I represent will be a point of connection with Europe for your university in the future”, Andrea Mascolo mentioned.
Professor Mascolo stated that Malta is a strategic point of Europe, fully complying with European standards and looking for development partners to increase academic visibility and collaboration opportunities in the field of dentistry, especially in the didactic, scientific and clinical component.
The agreement envisages collaboration in the following areas: mutual recognition of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) to facilitate academic mobility for students and teaching staff, joint development of programs in dentistry, collaborative research in dental education and medical sciences, and cooperation to develop continuing medical education courses.
The memorandum was signed in the context of Andrea Mascolo's two-day visit to our university. On the first day, the EIMS director visited the Faculty of Stomatology, university dental clinics, the University Dental Center, the departments, and had meetings with faculty members, with whom he exchanged information regarding the legislative aspects of education, study programs, medical practice, research and evaluation of activities, international affiliations. At the same time, the professor from Malta also visited the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training.
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