News and controversies in the development and promotion of emergency medical service
Emergency medicine specialists gathered at the national scientific conference, with international participation, which was held under the title "News and controversies in the development and promotion of emergency medical care services", 3rd edition. The event was organized in memory of Professor Gheorghe Ciobanu - the founder of the emergency medical service (SAMU) in the Republic of Moldova.
The forum addressed topics regarding the SAMU challenges, innovations and development directions in the country and in the world, as well as aspects of improving the response to emergency situations and making the entire health system more efficient.
The scientific event was inaugurated by Larisa Rezneac, head of Gheorghe Ciobanu Department of Medical Emergencies of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, who highlighted some biographical data regarding the activity of the late professor. "We are grateful to Professor Ciobanu for all his actions aimed at creating the emergency medicine specialty. Over the years, he brought all the new elements from Europe - guides, protocols, etc. and made efforts to align the Emergency and Disaster Medicine Scientific-Practical Society of the Republic of Moldova, and to train specialists in the field according to European and international standards," noted his disciple Larisa Rezneac.
Present at the opening of the conference, Rector Emil Ceban highlighted Professor Ciobanu's contribution to the development of the local health system, including through the creation of the emergency medical service and the establishment of the Emergency and Disaster Medicine Scientific-Practical Society, the introduction of new concepts and good practices in emergency medicine and their integration into national clinical protocols, thus contributing to the improvement of emergency medical interventions.
"The continuous development of emergency medical services is a collective responsibility, and the conference offers us the opportunity to share experiences, analyze current challenges and identify solutions for a better future. Nicolae Testemitanu University is a devoted promoter of progress in the medical field through education, research and interdisciplinary collaboration. We are proud to see that the values of Professor Gheorghe Ciobanu continue to guide the work of emergency physicians, this fact being proof of his impact on the medical system", the rector stated.
"Emergency medicine is not limited only to scientific and didactic aspects, it also includes organizational matters, health policies, interactions with state structures, which provides the organization and functionality of the health system, and each specialist in the medical emergency system has a special value," emphasized MP Adrian Belii, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Social Protection, Health and Family, University Professor. The parliamentarian listed the achievements supported by the authorities, such as the opening of emergency medicine centers in districts, the provision of ambulances, interaction with international emergency medicine societies, the funds provided by Romanian partners, especially during the pandemic, etc.
Among the special guests of the event was Dr. Robert Leach, President of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, who spoke about the challenges and innovations in emergency medicine in Europe, the reorganization of this specialty at different stages, the specifics of each country in this field, the equivalence of studies, etc.
In turn, Diana Carmen Cimpoesu, University Professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi, Romania, stated that she was honored to work on the creation of the Moldovan Emergency Mobile Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD), during the period when Professor Gheorghe Ciobanu was a representative of the Ministry of Health, sharing her experience as SMURD founder.
The event was attended by representatives of the Emergency Medicine Institute, doctors, teaching staff, resident doctors and students.
The scientific event was organized at the initiative of Gheorghe Ciobanu Department of Medical Emergencies of Nicolae Testemitanu University in collaboration with the Disaster and Emergency Medicine Scientific-Practical Society of the Republic of Moldova, in the context of the 80th anniversary of the founding of our university.
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