Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova will launch the competition for admission to higher education in the academic year 2022-2023 for local citizens on July 18.
The University's educational offer includes:
- integrated higher education at the following specialties / study programs: Medicine (6 years), Dentistry (5 years), Pharmacy (5 years).
- undergraduate studies (4 years) at the following specialties / study programs: Optometry, Nursing, Public Health, Radiological Technology and at Physiokinetotherapy and rehabilitation - a study program launched this year.
- Master's degree (2 years) studies at the following specialties / study programs: Management in public health, Molecular technologies in health (Master of Science degree) and new Master's programs in Human Nutrition, Clinical Optometry and Public Mental Health.
This year, the Admission Plan with funding from the state budget for undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) and integrated studies provides for 450 places, including 25 places for graduates of educational institutions in the administrative-territorial units on the left bank of the Dniester and Bender municipality. Of these, 390 places are provided for Medicine, 10 for Dentistry, 10 for Pharmacy, 10 for Public Health, 5 for Optometry, 10 for Nursing, 10 for Radiological Technology, and 5 for Physiokinetotherapy and Rehabilitation.
The admission plan also envisages 492 places on a contract basis: Medicine - 200 places, Dentistry - 102, Pharmacy - 80, Public health - 20, Optometry - 20, Nursing - 20, Radiological technology - 20, Physiokinetotherapy and rehabilitation - 30 places.
At the first stage of the admission contest - July 18-August 2, candidates can enter the contest both online, by uploading their files on the platform e-admitere.usmf.md, as well as with physical presence. If the candidate intends to participate in the admission contest only at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, he/she can attach the original documents to the application. Young people have the right to enter the contest at the same time for a maximum of three study programs, but they can only enroll in one of the study programs they have chosen.
The intermediary results of the competition will be announced on August 3 on the University's website: https://usmf.md .
Only those candidates who submitted the original documents will participate in the final competition. Thus, the candidates who will be on the lists shall present the original documents on August 4-6. Young people who have not passed the intermediate admission competition, but want to participate in the final competition, shall also submit the documents within the established deadlines. The final results will be announced on August 8 on the University's website. If any places remain unfilled, an additional admission session will be held.
Fees per study program: Medicine - 30,100 lei, Dentistry - 33,100 lei, Pharmacy - 30,500 lei, Public Health - 19,300 lei, Optometry - 32,200 lei, Nursing and Radiological Technology - 19,300 lei, and Physiokinetotherapy and rehabilitation - 21,600 lei.
For Master's degree studies, at the Management in public health program, 25 places on a contract basis (tuition fee - 24,200 lei) are offered, at Molecular technologies in health - 6 places, of which 4 budget places and 2 on contract basis (fee - 19,300 lei). For Master's degree studies at the Human Nutrition program, 7 places have been provided, of which 2 budget places and 5 on contract basis (tuition fee - 19,300 lei), Clinical Optometry program - 3 places, of which 2 budget places and 1 on contract basis (tuition fee - 24,000 lei), Public mental health program - 7 places, of which 2 budget places and 5 on contract basis (tuition fee - 19,300 lei).
Details about the educational offer, the necessary documents, tuition fees, the online registration guide and other useful information for candidates can be found on: https://admitere.usmf.md/ro/admitere/studii-universitare/candidati-autohtoni
Preluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe www.usmf.md.