”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova launched a new collaboration project with the University of Leipzig from Germany
”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with the University of Leipzig from Germany launched the bilateral project Strengthening the research capacities of higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova (2025-2026). The project is part of the "ProMoMo" program and is carried out with the financial support of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANCD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany and will be implemented over a period of 2 years.
The launch meeting, which took place on February 18, 2025, was attended by: Rector Emil Ceban, University Professor Stanislav Groppa - project manager, head of the Department of Neurology No. 2, project coordinators in Germany - Dr. Victoria Reinhardt and Dr. Alina Tofan, and representatives from the partner institutions - Technical University of Moldova, State University of Moldova and Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University.
In this context, the rector has stated that Nicolae Testemitanu University is open to cooperating with the University of Leipzig - one of the most renowned higher education institutions in Germany, with which it previously collaborated on several successful projects in the research and academic mobility domains. "This project represents a major opportunity for our university to participate in a global academic dialogue and to conduct research in areas important for the scientific and social development of our country," Professor Emil Ceban noted.
In the opinion of academician Stanislav Groppa, this project aims to create a common research agenda in areas of strategic interest for the Republic of Moldova and to expand international cooperation in the field of research at the University of Leipzig.
Based on this collaboration, workshops on the topic "Research Design and Research Methods" are planned for young researchers and doctoral students from higher education institutions of the Republic of Moldova. These trainings will take place during May-September 2025 and will address essential topics for developing a correct research design and applying advanced research methods. The main goal of the training activities is to develop research skills and familiarize participants with good practices in the field, in accordance with international standards.
Another objective is to carry out mobility internships at the University of Leipzig. In this context, 13 mobility internships for researchers and doctoral students from the Republic of Moldova will be organized at the German university. Their role is to support the development of joint research projects between universities from Moldova and Germany, offering participants the opportunity to work directly with teams of international researchers and to develop long-term collaboration initiatives. The internships will contribute to strengthening the research capacities of the participants and to creating sustainable links between academic institutions of the two countries.
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