Research in biomedicine and health: quality, excellence and performance, 2022 edition
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova will organize the Annual Scientific Conference Research in Biomedicine and Health: Quality, Excellence and Performance, on October 19-21, 2022. This year, the scientific conference will be dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the founding of Alma Mater and the 95th anniversary of the birth of Professor Nicolae Testemitanu, former rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, Minister of Health, brilliant scientist and statesman, post-mortem academician. On October 18, in the context of the commemoration of the prominent rector, a pre-conference dedicated to his life and activity will be organized.
According to the Vice-Rector for Research, Academician Stanislav Groppa, the annual scientific conference will be inaugurated on October 19, starting at 13:00, during the solemn meeting of the Scientific Council, and will continue with a series of keynote communications under the generic title State of the Art Lectures, starting at 3 p.m. The latter will be held by invited foreign professors, renowned specialists in the field of medicine.
On October 20, 8 sessions will be held simultaneously in thematic sections, starting at 9:00. On the same day, at 15:00, participants will be able to take part in a series of educational courses and medical workshops, according to prior registration.
The extended meeting of the University Senate will take place on October 21, starting 14:00, after which the Laureates Gala will be held, starting at 16:00.
The current edition of the conference will also include the performance contest Impact of research activity, established based on articles published in journals with the highest impact factor recorded at the faculty in the 2021 Report on research activity, according to data taken from SCOPUS and Google Scholar databases. Winners of the competitions will be awarded prizes at the Laureates Gala.
At the same time, a virtual exhibition will be organized on the achievements in the field of research and innovation in the years 2021-2022, based on the participation of University representatives in exhibitions and international salons of research, innovation and technology transfer.
The best papers of the scientific and teaching staff and of doctoral students will be published in a supplement of the Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences university publication.
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The final program of the Conference will be announced later. Follow the subsite of the conference:
Participants can register for the Conference, educational courses and medical workshops from May 12 to September 20, 2022, and electronic posters can be uploaded from August 10 to September 10, 2022.
The scientific abstracts will be uploaded according to membership in the subdivision from May 12 to June 5, 2022.
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