De Ziua Mondială a Diabetului

University staff had their blood sugar levels assessed on World Diabetes Day

Published: 14.11.2022

De Ziua Mondială a DiabetuluiNicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy marked World Diabetes Day with a quick blood sugar screening action for the university staff, who work in the Main Teaching Building. About 70 people from different university subdivisions had the opportunity to check their blood sugar levels.

The action was carried out by the representative of the Department of Endocrinology – Associate Professor Cristina Rizov and Jana Rotarciuc, 6th year student at the Faculty of Medicine No. 1. The student has been working as a nurse at the Endocrinology Department of Timofei Mosneaga Republican Clinical Hospital for two years and aspires to a career in the field of endocrinology.

This year World Diabetes Day was held under the title “Access to diabetes care. If not now, when?", the emphasis being placed on increasing awareness and prevention of this disease. In this context, in parallel with the blood glucose screening, the university staff received informative materials, including a score for assessing the risk of developing diabetes in the next 10 years, as well as recommendations regarding proper nutrition and physical activity - components of a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, endocrinologist Cristina Rizov suggested to the people she interacted with to read carefully the labels of commercial food products and to choose those with a low content of carbohydrates and sugar, because precisely these components cause a feeling of momentary satiety, but later - a greater appetite. Namely, this leads to the accumulation of calories and weight gain, and being overweight is one of the risks of acquiring diabetes. At the same time, the endocrinologist has specified that the best way to stay active and healthy is to exercise at least 30 minutes every day.

The members of the university community appreciated the initiative of the Department of Endocrinology to test their blood sugar – a very simple test, but which requires time to travel to specialized centers. That is why the University employees proposed to repeat the action every year.

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 Ziua Mondială a Diabetului
World Diabetes Day
blood sugar screening
Department of Endocrinology

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