Launch of the initiative to create DiaMed.MD network of medical scientific diaspora of the Republic of Moldova
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy launches the initiative to create the DiaMed.MD network of medical scientific diaspora of the Republic of Moldova in order to create a virtual space for dialogue and collaboration between researchers in medical sciences – Alma Mater graduates, regardless of the country where they work and live.
The objective of the platform is to create a permanent mechanism of cooperation between the medical scientific community of the Republic of Moldova and our compatriots working abroad, based on the desideratum that science knows no borders. The platform will facilitate the implementation of joint activities in the field of research and innovation – publications, projects, exchange of views, etc.
In this context, academician Stanislav Groppa, director of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research, vice-rector for research and head of Neurology Department No. 2 at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, believes that it is important to know the medical staff who went to study or work abroad and to maintain the communication between specialists in the medical field. Only by carrying out joint research activities – publications, projects, exchange of opinions, etc., and by developing a continuous collaboration, we will achieve success in our research and clinical activity”..
Several researchers and doctors from the Republic of Moldova, graduates of our university, support the idea of creating this platform, including university professor Grigore Tinica, director of George Georgescu Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in Iasi, Romania, doctor honoris causa and associate professor of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, full member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The professor believes that young researchers must love their University, because it is one of the best universities in this part of Europe. ”Alma Mater defined me as a person, gave me a start in life. I am willing to support and contribute to the implementation and extension of University's training programs, to the mobility of academic staff members, resident doctors and students, as well as to the conduct of joint research under various projects”, has specified Grigore Tinică.
University professor Alexandru Mustea, director of the Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology Clinic, Bonn University Hospital, head of the National Center for Uterine Sarcomas and Rare Tumors, Germany, honorary doctor of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, also supports the need for communication between the medical diaspora in Germany and researchers from the Republic of Moldova. ”I support academic mobility and I will choose to expand the continuous exchange of experience between my homeland and the country where I currently work”, said Alexandru Mustea, emphasizing the importance of a continuous dialogue between specialists from both countries.
Professor Sergiu Groppa, head of the Department of Movement Disorders, Neurostimulation and Imaging at the University Clinic in Mainz, Germany, has noted that, currently, many compatriots in the medical area participate in multilateral projects, maintaining professional and sentimental ties with the Republic of Moldova. ”Together we can strengthen the scientific and human resources for better patient healthcare at both national and international level. I support an increased collaboration of the medical diaspora for the essential role in the development of the scientific and clinical capacity of Moldova’s medical system”, mentioned the professor.
According to professor Serghei Cebotari, director of Hannover Cardiac Surgery Clinic, Department of Cardiothoracic, Vascular and Transplant Surgery, Germany, visiting professor at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, it is necessary to maintain the continuous collaboration of medical diaspora specialists in order to achieve high level of performance and keep an open communication between specialists from various fields of medicine.
In the opinion of professor Piotr Yablonski, director of St. Petersburg University Clinic, the Russian Federation, specialist in thoracic surgery, oncology and phthisiology, establishing communication between representatives of the Moldovan medical diaspora offers the possibility to carry out an exchange of views and a fruitful cooperation that will lead to great achievements.
Professor Denis Butnaru, vice-rector for research activity of I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, the Russian Federation, has described it as a very good idea to bring together on one platform the entire medical academic environment and has expressed his conviction that we will be useful to each other, including Alma Mater and our Homeland. ”Moldova is my motherland, and Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has provided me with high quality knowledge which allows me to develop myself as a specialist”, says our fellow citizen.
Andrei Danilov, professor at the Department of Nervous System Diseases, Institute of Vocational Education of I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, also considers it very important to continue the dialogue and cooperation between researchers, graduates of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, as well as the clinical and research collaboration, participation in various scientific events, etc.
Fellow countrymen involved in medical research activities are to register on the DiaMed.MD network by filling out an online form:
DiaMed.MD initiative is part of the Strategy for strengthening research and innovation capabilities at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy for 2020-2030.
The network is to be developed and institutionalized with the support of the Diaspora Relations Office within the State Chancellery, Government of the Republic of Moldova.
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