Medical students showing solidarity in the National Blood Donation Campaign
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The students of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy have supported the national blood donation campaign, which this year has the slogan ”Donate Blood, Support The Pace Of Life On Earth!”
For this purpose, 18 doctors donated blood on June 14, in Stefan cel Mare Public Garden of the capital, where the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and the National Blood Transfusion Center organized a special event on World Blood Donor Day. On this occasion, voluntary and permanent donors were awarded diplomas by the relevant ministry and the Government of the Republic of Moldova.
Tatiana Zatic, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, has mentioned, “Blood donation is a life-saving action that shows concern for the suffering community members who need an urgent blood transfusion. We highly appreciate the support and involvement of organizations that actively promote blood donation and recruit volunteers, helping to maintain the country’s necessary stocks of blood products.”
Gheorghe Buruiana, President of the Association of Medical Students and Residents (ASRM), on behalf of the entire community of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy – students, doctors-residents and teachers – thanked the organizers for this beautiful event and encouraged everyone to donate blood voluntarily. ”The university is a loyal partner in organizing these social responsibility actions to help the medical system both through doctors who perform their duties in hospitals and through voluntary blood donors. Every drop of blood is an invaluable gift, important for each patient who needs a transfusion”, pointed out the ASRM leader.
Some first year students from the Faculty of Medicine No. 1 – first-time volunteers – told about the fact that determined them to make this responsible decision. Diana believes that donating blood is a noble experience – that of saving human life – and medical students, as future doctors, must be an example in this regard. Her colleague Pavel, in addition to being curious to see how this process goes, has stressed, “I wanted to do a good thing, because many people need transfusions and I consider it a moral duty and an honor for me, as a medical student”. In turn, Nicoleta confessed to us that she had a good example in the family, set by her mother – a permanent donor. She was proud that she came to donate blood for the first time. Andreea has also mentioned she got moral satisfaction that, in this way, she would help to save people's lives.
Polina Turta, the president of the Association of Blood Donors of Moldova, the Director of the Red Cross office in Chisinau, a permanent donor for 40 years, decorated with the Order of Stefan cel Mare and the Emeritus distinction, started making blood donations as a student at Nicolae Testemitanu University. So far, the volunteer has made more than 200 blood donations, and, in her opinion, this is a wonderful day when “we donate human lives”.
The campaign is unfolding between May 25 – June 25. People are encouraged to donate blood at collection points of the country. The aim of the campaign is to supplement the blood reserves of our country, to promote a healthy lifestyle and to develop the spirit of social responsibility and solidarity in the society.
According to official data, since the start of the national campaign, 5 170 people have donated blood voluntarily. At the same time, during 2020, about 63 thousand voluntary donors from the country participated in the activities of donating blood and blood components.
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