Execution of University's Strategic Development Plan in 2021
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The Strategic Development Plan of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy for the period 2021-2030 was 94% completed in the previous year. The university subdivisions have set both quantitative and qualitative indicators to achieve the established strategic objectives. At the meeting of the University Senate on February 24, Olga Iurco, head of the Internal Audit Department, presented the report on the completion of the Program for the Strategic Plan implementation in 2021.
Thus, last year, for the 57 specific objectives within nine strategic areas, 243 performance indicators were established, which registered the following degree of achievement: Educational didactic activity – 99%; Research, innovation and technology transfer – 95%; Clinical activity – 90%; Internationalization – 93%; Students and social responsibility – 89%; Human resources – 89%; Financial resources management – 100%; Computerization – 100%; Communication, promotion and institutional visibility – 98%. According to Olga Iurco, the data presented for 2021 served as a basis for planning activities to be carried out in 2022.
At the same time, the Program for the implementation of the Strategic Plan in the current year has been presented, which includes 64 specific objectives and 254 performance indicators. The data reported by university subdivisions highlighted the need to make some adjustments such as: altering five specific indicators, transferring the implementation period for another 29 specific indicators and excluding indicator 6.3 Research subsite, evaluated and updated on a permanent basis.
Among the strategic objectives to be achieved in 2022 are: accreditation of undergraduate study programs, use of new virtual programs for disciplines, conclusion of collaboration agreements, identification of new clinical bases, participation of scientific and teaching staff in the development of national clinical protocols / attracting research projects, organizing MedEspera International Congress for students and young doctors, developing and implementing energy efficiency systems, as well as organizing various activities in partnership with the media (radio, TV, interviews, etc.).
The 2021-2030 Strategic Development Plan of the University foresees a continuous advancement of all the main forms of university activity – training, research, continuous professional development, professional retraining and specialized medical care, with their alignment with national and international standards in the field of health. In this context, Rector Emil Ceban has emphasized that the mentioned objectives are key to developing our institution, and in order to achieve them, all members of the university community should get involved.
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