July 18 - Launch of the competition for admission to ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University
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On July 18, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy will start the competition for admission to undergraduate and integrated higher education (cycle I and II) for the academic year 2022-2023.
The Senate meeting of 23.06.2022 approved the Regulation on the organization and conduct of admission to undergraduate and integrated higher education in the academic year 2022-2023, which contains chapters regarding the necessary documents, registration fees, enrollment in the competition, etc., as well as the terms of organization of the admission contest.
One of the novelties of this year is that at the first stage, between July 18 and August 2, candidates can enter the contest both physically and online - by uploading their files on the platform e-admitere.usmf.md. At the same time, in the current year it is allowed to submit the original documents during the entire period of the contest, as compared to previous years. Young people can register for the entrance exam at the same time for a maximum of three study programs, but they can be enrolled in only one study program of those for which they have opted. Also, this year a new category of people was introduced who will benefit from facilities at the admission contest, namely those who have three or more dependent children or a child with a severe or accentuated degree of disability.
The interim results of the contest will be announced on August 3 on the website https://usmf.md/. Candidates who will be on the lists will present the original documents on August 4-6. Only those candidates who submitted the original documents will participate in the final competition. Thus, young people who have not passed the intermediate admission competition, but want to participate in the final competition, must submit the documents within the established deadlines.
The final results will be announced on August 8 on the University's website. If any places remain unfilled, an additional admission session will be held.
As regards the admission of foreign citizens, the deadline for submitting documents for undergraduate and pre-university studies, for the first session (autumn semester) is October 15, 2022, and in case of admission to undergraduate studies in the spring semester – February 15, 2023. Foreign citizens, holders of baccalaureate diplomas or other equivalent documents will be admitted to studies based on the competition average, and each candidate can apply to only one program, with no age limit.
The plans (state order) for admission to higher education with funding from the state budget are established annually by government decision. At the moment, the draft decision is at the stage of approval at the level of ministries, and once it is approved, it will be made public.
IMPORTANT: Representatives of the Moldovan diaspora, foreign nationals and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Moldova can participate in the competition for both budget-funded study places and study places against fees equivalent to the amount established for Moldovan citizens. Foreign citizens, residing in other states, can be enrolled in higher education with budget funding only under interstate agreements; otherwise they can be enrolled only against tuition fees.
Senators approved the above-mentioned documents based on the provisions of the Education Code, as well as the Framework Regulation on organizing admission to undergraduate and integrated higher education for the academic year 2022-2023, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic Moldova No. 459 of May 31, 2022.
Details about the educational offer, the Admission Regulations, the necessary documents, the tuition fees, the online registration guide and other useful information for candidates can be accessed on: https://admitere.usmf.md/ro/admitere/studii-universitare/candidati-autohtoni/studii-superioare-de-licenta-ciclul-I-si-integrate-ciclul-I-si-ciclul-II
Preluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe www.usmf.md.