Expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating has completed its activity at "Nicolae Testemitanu" University
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During September 13-15, 2022, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova has been evaluated by an external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) from Kazakhstan, for the purpose of accrediting Medicine, Stomatology and Pharmacy integrated study programs. The commission evaluated the level of provision, appreciation and recognition of the educational offer of Nicolae Testemitanu University and to what extent the integrated study programs meet the quality standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).
The evaluation program included an individual interview with the University rector Professor Emil Ceban, as well as meetings with several target groups: vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of departments and other university subdivisions, teaching and scientific-teaching staff, students, resident doctors, graduates and employers. The mission of study programs international accreditation also included the questioning of teaching staff and students, documentation visits to teaching blocks, departments and clinical bases of the University with a view to evaluating the infrastructure of the institution, its endowment with modern equipment, and the studying, research and living conditions.
In order to evaluate the Medicine study program, the Commission members visited: the Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy and the Museum of Human Anatomy, the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training, Leonid Cobâleanschi Teaching Block No. 1: University Center for Academic Evaluation, Departments of Physiopathology and Clinical Physiopathology, Morphopathology, Human Physiology and Biophysics. The experts analyzed the quality of lectures and practical classes and the use of innovative teaching-learning-evaluation methods. At the same time, the Commission went to several clinical departments located at Timofei Moșneaga Republican Clinical Hospital: Surgery No. 2, Urology and Surgical Nephrology, Gastroenterology Discipline within the Department of Internal Medicine; Health Sciences Library, university classrooms and study rooms for students and resident physicians.
For the evaluation of the integrated Stomatology program, the experts visited Dental Clinics No. 1 and No. 2 at Ion Lupan Department of Pediatric Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Pedodontics located at Emilian Coțaga Clinic of the Mother and Child Institute, where they watched a surgical intervention on a child, attended by fifth-year students, as well as a practical lesson – a preclinical case study for resident doctors.
In order to evaluate the Pharmacy study program, IAAR experts went to the departments and the museum of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Scientific Center for Drug Research, the scientific laboratories, and to Vasile Procopisin University Pharmaceutical Center. Members of the Commission virtually attended a practical lesson for pharmacy students.
The Commission was also given a tour of the Student Campus in Mălina Mică sector, including Hostel No. 8, University Sports Complex, University Sociocultural Complex, Student Self-Government Center, the Alley of Brilliant Scientists and Doctors etc.
At the summing-up meeting, the Evaluation Commission members came up with some conclusions, expressing their gratitude towards the administrative team and all members of the university community for the provided good organization and working conditions, as well as for the prompt submission of all the requested documents. The Chair of the Commission, Professor Raushan Dosmagambetova from Medical University of Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan, mentioned that the IAAR expert team identified several strengths, such as the high level of institutional culture, the team spirit, the guiding vision and system of values shared by every employee, teaching staff member and beneficiary of studies. "The norms, rules, procedures approved at the University level allow you to achieve high results, which is very important.
Experts noted the interconnection between practical medicine and the pharmaceutical community, qualifying it as an act of solidarity and mutual support for the successful conducting of all study programs. Accreditation of the Stomatology study program by the Dental Board of California, USA, is, undoubtedly, a strength mentioned by IAAR experts, as well as the possession of two own dental clinics and a university manufacturing pharmacy.
In their opinion, it is essential that all interested parties contribute to the development and evaluation of study programs, but also to the students’ achievement, and the University ensures continuity at the subsequent stages of professional training. Furthermore, the experts welcomed the fact that the study programs are updated annually, emphasizing, at the same time, the need for a systematic, step-by-step implementation of the principle of discipline integration and the widespread use of interactive teaching-learning methods. "I have noticed that some departments and disciplines implement this principle, and if it is applied systemically, it will increase the quality of education. You also have the opportunity to benefit from the experience of European countries - top universities with which you have signed collaboration agreements", underlined the Chair of the External Commission.
Another important aspect resides in the fruitful international collaboration, maintaining and capitalizing on collaboration agreements with foreign institutions specialized in the field of medical education, research, medical and pharmaceutical care, including expert work, because University employees participate as experts in the evaluation of the activity and of the study programs of other higher education institutions, which contributes to the continuous improvement of quality and to institutional development.
Among the recommendations, the experts highlighted the need to set up a university hospital capable of delivering a broad range of healthcare services for the implementation of Medicine integrated study program, in accordance with international requirements, as well as the development of students' scientific research skills starting from the first years of studies.
Malika Saidulaeva, coordinator at the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating, announced that the Commission members' reports would be submitted to the University after their examination by the IAAR Accreditation Council, and an official letter with the results of the external evaluation would be sent at the end of October or beginning of November.
In the end, rector Emil Ceban thanked, on behalf of Nicolae Testemitanu University’s administration, for the thorough work and the enormous efforts made by the members of the Commission during the three days of external evaluation: "Of course, we will take into account all the recommendations, we will discuss and analyze them in detail and we will implement them so that our institution develops further and the quality of medical and pharmaceutical education as well as the training of specialists continues to improve".
It should be mentioned that Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova obtained the status of an internationally accredited institution according to WFME standards in June 2019, for a period of 5 years.
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