”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy obtained a grant of over 2 million euros for strengthening education through medical research
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Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova won an investment sub-project worth 2 million 150 thousand euros, under the Moldova Higher Education project, financed by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova during 2020-2025.
The ceremony of launching investment projects in universities and pedagogical colleges took place at the headquarters of the Government of the Republic of Moldova on 21 November 2022.
During the event, Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița handed Rector Emil Ceban the funding certificate of the sub-project Fortification of education through medical research at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova (FORCE-med). On behalf of the entire university community, the rector addressed a message of gratitude to the government for this extraordinary opportunity to develop medical higher education in the country for the benefit of the entire society.
"The FORCE-med project represents the implementation of the concept of education through research in order to improve higher medical education in accordance with the University's Development Strategy until the year 2030. To this end, measures will be taken to improve the education plans and curricula of the disciplines, new interdisciplinary curricula should be developed that will allow acquiring research skills and applying scientific achievements of students, master's students, doctoral students and resident doctors, as well as the use of the latest biomedical technologies in medical practice", emphasized Rector Emil Ceban.
At the same time, the FORCE-med project will allow the development of the research infrastructure and the equipment of laboratories, which constitute a significant support in medical training, for obtaining the necessary skills in the medical profession by knowing the methodologies, conventionally organized in two compartments:
Molecular medicine – for the development of studies in the field of fundamental sciences such as molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, morphology, physiology, etc. – intended for 1st–3rd year students;
Personalized medicine – ensures the approach, through experiments and research, to all clinical disciplines in the fields of therapy, surgery, oncology, etc. – intended for 4th–6th year students.
The implementation of the FORCE-med project will contribute to enhancing the training capacity and the quality of medical education through research at the University in order to train highly qualified doctors and pharmacists for the health system of the Republic of Moldova and other countries.
In addition, the motivation, encouragement and active involvement of students in the learning process, based on experimentation and obtaining the skills necessary for the medical profession, will ensure that the study purposes correspond to the current development level of practical medicine and biomedical sciences and meet the labor market needs.
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