”Minerva” project sum up conference
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The implementation team of the project "Strengthening the management capacities of research and Open Science of higher education institutions from the Republic of Moldova and Armenia" (MINERVA) from Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova participated in the sum up conference – MINERVA project Concluding Conference & Final Consortium meeting.
The event took place on 1 and 2 December 2022 at Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University in Chisinau and was attended by representatives of partner institutions from the Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France and Slovenia. According to the organizers, during the meeting the results of the implementation of MINERVA project, current trends in the field of research and Open Science, but also challenges and development prospects were presented.
The conference was inaugurated by Olesea Sîrbu, main coordinator of MINERVA project, vice-rector for international relations, and Alexandru Stratan, rector of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.
"Open Science is one of the three priorities of the European Union, including for the Republic of Moldova, several important documents such as the Code on Science and Innovation, the Strategy for Education 2030, Digital Moldova 2020 and others confirm this fact. As a result, 12 higher education institutions benefit from clear concepts and strategies in this field. The outcomes of the project will contribute to the development of research in the Republic of Moldova and in partner countries. At the same time, an analysis of the legislative framework was carried out in each of these states and concepts were developed to be addressed at the state level and, respectively, approved", said Nadejda Velișco, Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Research. The official also mentioned the Education Strategy 2030, which provides for better funding of the research field, support and promotion for young researchers, and participation in the Horizon Europe program.
Ani Virabyan, the representative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia, mentioned that for 4 years the MINERVA project has brought together representatives of universities from Moldova and Armenia, as well as public authorities, being dedicated to new ways of developing open science policies. "It is a pleasure to see that this last meeting under MINERVA project is attended by European universities that willingly share their experience accumulated in the field. I would like to express my gratitude to all the participants in this important project that will contribute to the implementation of open science, electronic governance and public visibility in Moldova and Armenia", the Armenian official emphasized.
In the opinion of Claudia Melinte, coordinator of the Erasmus+ National Office in Moldova, MINERVA is one of the successful projects, especially due to the implementation teams. "It is important for us to know people who have good ideas, who can build consortia, find partners, and develop projects to be successfully implemented. We congratulate all the coordinators and wish them as many international projects as possible, and we will be there and contribute to the modernization of education!", Claudia Melinte pointed out.
According to Vadim Iațchevici, director of the National Agency for Research and Development in Moldova, the institution he represents is interested in promoting research results, so that they can reach the market and be used by society. An important role belongs to Open Science, which offers numerous possibilities in this regard.
During the sessions of the final conference, the partners from Moldova and Armenia presented their achievements under MINERVA project: the review and approval of institutional policies regarding open access to information, of the regulations for the institutional repositories organization, the development and approval of institutional strategies regarding Open Science, acquiring knowledge and developing skills in OS, creation and development of institutional repositories in partner institutions from Moldova and Armenia, taking over experience and good practices from European partners, etc.
The MINERVA project is co-financed by the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ program, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, strengthening capacities in the field of higher education, the purpose of which was to strengthen research capacities and Open Science capacities of higher education institutions from Moldova and Armenia.
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