The teaching process is suspended for the period of March 11-23, 2020
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According to the Decision no. 6/2020 of the Extraordinary National Commission of Public Health regarding the evolution of the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 infection, the educational process from public and private institutions, early education, primary, secondary, technical, higher education, special education institutions is suspended. throughout the country, between March 11-23, 2020, the Order of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research no. 292 of 10.03.2020 "On the suspension of the educational process in educational institutions".
According to the Directive of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research no. 04/1-09/1666 of 11.03.2020, the study process is suspended for all the students, including those students who are involved in any kind of internships and are not obliged to quit the hostels. Those who are going to stay, will respect all the epidemiological prophylaxis measures and will be informed and monitored systematically by the University staff.
The University administration urges all the international students to be calm and responsive to all information messages (sent and received in SIMU), and to take all the prevention measures of COVID-19 infection. Also, the University administration recommends to the students of the sixth years not to leave the territory of the Republic of Moldova, because they will be kept in quarantine for a period of 14 days in their country of origin. When they return, they will be isolated for another two weeks.
The university staff will come to work as usual. In this period, the teaching departments will focus on the scientific and clinical activity. At the employee's request, the administration will offer leaves in accordance with the legislation in force.
Also, all manifestations and internal meetings will be cancelled, but the institutional communication will be realized by using the information technologies (e-mail, telephone, University Management Information System). The heads of departments can decide on organizing the online teaching activities (course, individual work, case study, solving online tests, etc.) with students, resident-doctors and those who are involved in continuing medical education programs.
It is forbidden to organize and conduct manifestations, measures and meetings with the participation of 50 or more people, starting from March 11 until April 1, 2020. The period will be revised later, depending on the epidemiological situation at national level.
The access to foreign people in study buildings and hostels is prohibited.
The University will daily inform the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research regarding the health status of students and of employees of institution, according to the Directive no. 03/1-09/1593 of 09.03.2020.
We remind that a provisional medical center for the students of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has been opened today, March 10, within the Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, located in the Student Campus from Malina Mica district (26/1, N. Testemitanu str.), in the context of intensifying prophylaxis measures after national authorities announced an alert type code of the new type Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The launched service has two sorting points and two isolation boxes for sick people, but medical assistance will be carried out by five doctors (under the guidance of the Head physician of University Clinic of Primary Medical Care, Angela Tomacinschii), from Monday to Friday, between 9:00-18:00, and on Saturday and Sunday, between 9:00-15:00. In case of any emergency, the students can call 022 205602, 022 205603 (Registrar’s Office).
Outside the working program of the medical center, the students, who will have symptoms such as high fever, cough. etc., will address to the hostel administrator. The latter will comply with the provisions of Order of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection no. 222 of 04.03.2020 regarding the provision of medical assistance to people who meet the criteria of the case definition COVID-19; will isolate the person and call 112 Service in order to be taken to a specialized medical institution
According to the Decision no. 6/2020 of the Extraordinary National Commission of Public Health regarding the evolution of the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 infection, the educational process from public and private institutions, early education, primary, secondary, technical, higher education, special education institutions is suspended. throughout the country, between March 11-23, 2020, see the Order of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research no. 292 of 10.03.2020 "On the suspension of the educational process in educational institutions".
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