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Nicolae Testemiţanu was born on August 1, 1927 in Ochiul Alb village, Bălţi district. He graduated from gymnasium in Baraboi village and pursued his studies at Bălţi secondary school No. 1. In 1951 Nicolae Testemiţanu graduated from Chişinău State Institute of Medicine (CSIM).
In the same year, while working at the Surgery Department of Râşcani District Hospital, he was admitted to fellowship training at the General Surgery Chair of CSIM. In 1954 he was employed as Assistant Professor, then as Associate Professor, Professor and later on as Head of Chair. He also held the position of Chief Physician at the Republican Clinical Hospital and founded Health Care magazine.
In 1958 he completed his PhD thesis in medical sciences. A year later, at the age of only 32, Nicolae Testemițanu was appointed Rector of Chişinău State Institute of Medicine. The young Rector managed to establish the Faculties of Dentistry (1959), Continuing Education in Medicine (1962), Preventive Medicine (1963) and Pharmacy (1964). Consequently, the number of students doubled, thus solving the problem of medical specialists shortage in the country. He consolidated the academic staff and the technical-material basis, provided equipment and teaching materials for the training process, improved the living conditions for staff and students.
In 1963 Nicolae Testemițanu was appointed Minister of Health, continuing his activity at the Chair of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Field Surgery. In his capacity as Minister, he developed strategies aimed at strengthening the healthcare system heritage, ensuring healthcare specialists supply, improving the forms and methods of healthcare provided to the population.
He had advocated an adequate supply of healthcare professionals, mostly local, and the introduction of Romanian language in the medical training process, an initiative for which he was dismissed from the position of Minister in 1968. Afterwards he was appointed Associate Professor at the Chair of Social Medicine and Healthcare Organization.
In 1973 Nicolae Testemițanu defended his Habilitated Doctor dissertation in medical sciences. After he had received the scientific-academic title of Professor, he was appointed Head of Social Medicine Chair, which he led until his last breath.
Nicolae Testemițanu was an experienced educator, committed to the cause of young generations. He published over 220 scientific papers, including 15 monographs, methodical works on public health management and the history of medicine.
Under his guidance the concept of specialised healthcare delivery in rural areas was developed, for which the State Prize in the field of science and technology was awarded. Also, the Chair headed by Professor Testemiţanu was recognised in the USSR as a scientific coordination centre for rural healthcare delivery issues.
Professor Testemiţanu was a leading authority of the medical community of the Republic of Moldova, a brilliant scientist and statesman who made an essential contribution to the reformation and development of higher medical education and national healthcare system. Thanks to his efforts, a modern primary healthcare system, functionally integrated with the specialised medicine, was created.
Nicolae Testemiţanu passed away on September 20, 1986. The title of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was posthumously conferred on Professor Nicolae Testemițanu. As from 1990 the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova bears the name of the brilliant scientist.
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