Organization of the teaching process in 2021-2022 academic year at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University
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The new academic year at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova is starting with the presence of students and teachers in the lecture rooms. The decision is made in accordance with Resolution No. 60 of August 23, 2021 of the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission (NEPHC), Order No. 1170 of 24.08.2021 and Circular No. 04 / 1-09 / 4007 of August 26, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Research on the organization of study process in educational institutions.
According to Rector Emil Ceban, the new academic year will unfold in conditions of maximum safety for students and teachers, ensuring compliance with the NEPHC Instruction on the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission. The epidemic process is evolving unfavorably, with a tendency to worsen, and this fact requires the prohibition of festivities or other public events dedicated to the beginning of the academic year. In this context, the Welcome Ceremony of the first year students at Nicolae Testemitanu University, initially scheduled for September 1, has been suspended.
Pursuant to Rector's Order No. 214-A of 26.08.2021 on the organization of the educational process in the academic year 2021-2022, the fall semester, in pandemic conditions, the teaching process will be organized according to the approved schedule with physical presence at seminars, practical and laboratory classes in compulsory subjects. At the same time, lectures in all compulsory subjects, all forms of training in optional and free choice subjects, catch-up hours and teacher consultations, including on bachelor's theses, all teaching activities under Disaster Medicine discipline will be conducted online. These provisions are valid for all programs and all years of study.
The document also includes the schedule of the first year students' meetings with representatives of the University administration, by faculty and in small groups, on September 1 (Annex 1), to inform them of the teaching method and student status at Nicolae Testemitanu University. On September 2 and 3, first year students will have online lectures (Annex 2), and starting with September 6, the educational process will take place according to the approved schedule.
In order to provide the beneficiaries of studies with textbooks, the Health Sciences Library has developed a schedule for the delivery of textbook sets by faculty/specialty, which can be accessed at or https://www.
Furthermore, on August 30-31, 2021, the accommodation of students in hostels will start. To this end, 1073 places have been prepared for both local and international students.
To prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus, vaccination of the university community members will be further promoted. It is gratifying to note that 96.6% of the university teaching and scientific staff are vaccinated, this indicator being lower in students. Currently, the University Primary Health Care Clinic has the following vaccines: AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer, which can be administered at the two vaccination centers opened within the University Medical Rehabilitation Center (137, 31 August 1989 str.) and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center (26/2, Nicolae Testemitanu str.).
Currently, 5919 young people are studying at the University, of which 4042 are local students and 1877 - international students. This year, 915 local young people have been admitted to studies at Nicolae Testemițanu University (455 budget places and 460 on contract basis) at the following specialties: Medicine – 595, Dentistry – 116, Pharmacy – 10, Public Health - 28 , Optometry – 18, Nursing – 38, and Radiological Technology – 19.
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