948 graduates of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University swore to dedicate themselves to healthcare
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I solemnly swear to devote my life to the service of humanity. Through this covenant, the 948 graduates of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova - Class of 2023 - changed their student status to that of a doctor, pharmacist, or specialist, during the Doctor and Pharmacist Oath-taking ceremony. The grand event took place on June 15 at the "Zimbru" stadium in Chisinau, with the participation of the Minister of Health, representatives of the University administration, teachers, parents, and friends.
The ceremony was inaugurated by the rector of the University, Professor Emil Ceban, who came with a message before the fresh graduates: "Dear young colleagues, from now on you become members of the medical community in the Republic of Moldova and in your countries of origin. We urge you to have faith in your own abilities and never forget that you are part of the great family of Nicolae Testemitanu University from the Republic of Moldova, an institution with beautiful traditions and values that with dignity bears the name of the eminent scientist, illustrious teacher, and great patriot Nicolae Testemitanu. I would like to assure you that Alma Mater always remains open for you, because today you have successfully completed only the first stage of professional development, and in the fall, we look forward to continuing your studies under residency or master's programs, as the medical profession on which people’s lives and health depend, requires continuing education."
According to the rector, through this covenant, the graduates undertook to exercise one of the noblest professions, which requires dignity, devotion, and maximum responsibility. Once declared doctors, pharmacists and health specialists, Professor Ceban wished them well-being, happiness, prosperity, great achievements, and good luck in their careers.
Present at the solemn event, Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco spoke to the graduates about how important but also difficult, the profession they have mastered is: "Congratulations, dear young people! The oath is the balance on which the feelings experienced in this profession are weighed. I congratulate you on the years of hard work with nights when you fell asleep on large and heavy anatomical atlases, studying the long chemical formulas of medical preparations, or repeating the complicated names in Latin. Not everyone can practise and learn medicine. You have chosen one of the most beautiful, sensitive, challenging career paths - full of sacrifice, dedication, love of people, thirst for new knowledge and passion for the profession. Be proud of it! Because through it and through this oath you will serve the community. You are the ones who will have to meet people’s expectations in the most difficult times. You are the ones who will be entrusted with the most precious thing - the life and health of people, and it is a great responsibility that we, doctors, take on. You will be at the service of people day and night, because the profession requires a lot of work in search of the best solutions for our patients. We really need doctors in the Republic of Moldova, the citizens of the whole country are waiting for you, and they are none other than your parents, grandparents, and friends".
At the same time, the official conveyed the congratulatory message of the President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu to the graduates, wishing them great success in life, wings to give them courage, perseverance in everything they do and a lot of love for people, which is the foundation of the chosen profession. "Congratulations, dear teachers, with another army of beautiful, educated people," concluded the minister.
The deans of the faculties also addressed congratulatory messages to the Class of 2023. Gheorghe Placinta, dean of the Faculty of Medicine no. 1, mentioned that from the very beginning he saw in the eyes of these young people the enthusiasm and the desire to unravel the great mystery of humanity, to discover the inner labyrinth of the human being. "You have shown diligence, studiousness, thoroughness, precision and a noble soul, worthy of wearing the white robe. Don't forget that your evolution was also possible thanks to the tireless work of your parents and families, who stood by your side. The dream starts with a teacher who believes in you, and we believed, and still believe in you. The well-being of this people depends on your professional training and conscience. No matter where life takes you, I want to encourage all of you to look into the future with hope, to have confidence in yourselves, in your calling and never give up, to pursue great dreams and follow your heart and intuition,” the dean stated.
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine no. 2, Mircea Betiu, pointed out that all the challenging moments experienced by the graduates during their studies, including the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, formed their character, so that ultimately, they could emerge victorious in the battle with their own selves. "Keep the memories, show a kind attitude towards the patient and towards all those who suffer and need your professional help. In the communities where you will be practising medicine, you must be an example of hard work and responsibility and inspire other people to follow you. Keep your mind open to innovation and progress, keep the memories of your teachers and student life. Keep Moldova in your heart!" suggested the dean of the faculty where many young people from other countries are studying.
The dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Nicolae Ciobanu sent a congratulatory message to the Class of 2023: "Even if you went through many hardships, you are the winners. The most important fact is that you all made it to the end of this stage. Your success would not have been possible without the support of your teachers and families, that's why I suggest you take a bow to them".
In the opinion of Oleg Solomon, the dean of the Faculty of Stomatology, this moment of summing up, but also of a new beginning, is loaded with deep emotions, caused by the anxiety of separations and the foreshadowing of new yet unknown stages. "Looking back at the time spent at the faculty, we urge you to keep all the best you have learned in these years. Have confidence in yourself and be convinced that what you have achieved up to this moment matters for the future profession. Be guided in life by the three fundamental human values: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. And we, those who made concerted efforts to help you on this path, will always wait for you at Alma Mater", emphasized the dean.
Graduate Iana Coropceanu expressed her gratitude to the teaching staff and the entire university community: "Six years ago we took this new path with a bit of fear and anxiousness, but also with hope and confidence. During these years, our teachers stood by us. I think that the most beautiful and true compliment to them will be for us to manage to support the patients and save lives". The medical student specified that each representative of Class of 2023 should find their own path in one of the fields of medicine here, in the Republic of Moldova, and not become a part of the diaspora. “I am sure that, together with my colleagues, we will develop this branch so that the University can be proud of our class.”
On behalf of the Class of 2023, thanks and gratitude were addressed by the graduates: Cristina Chetrean, Faculty of Medicine no. 1; Ronen Levinsky, Faculty of Medicine no. 2; Adriana Mîndru, Faculty of Stomatology, and Adrian Pena, Faculty of Pharmacy.
According to tradition, graduate Ion Lopotenco handed the torch of knowledge to a first-year student, which signifies the observance of the University's motto “While I burn, I give light to others: "Dear colleagues, I urge you to live every moment as the most important one in your life. Do not forget that work and responsibility will be the fuel by which this torch will shine for generations to come".
The first-year medical student thanked him for the trust and promised that, together with his colleagues, they will carry this torch with dignity, working hard, as true students of Nicolae Testemitanu University.
At the end, the bell rang for the last time for the University graduates – the Class of 2023, who closed the ceremony by laying flowers at the bust of the eminent scholar Nicolae Testemitanu, in whose honor the Alma Mater was named.
This year, 948 graduates took the Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath: 599 – local and 349 – foreigners from 11 countries (Australia, Bulgaria, India, Jordan, Israel, Poland, Russia, Sweden, USA, Turkey, and Ukraine). Of these, 678 completed the study program Medicine, 175 – Stomatology, 60 – Pharmacy, 18 – Preventive medicine, 12 – Optometry and 5 – Nursing.
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