Medical students donated about 100 liters of blood
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The students, medical residents and employees of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova showed human solidarity and compassion, participating in a large number, about 200 people, in a new edition of the action "Donate blood – be a hero!".
The purpose of the national campaign is to replenish blood supplies in our country, to promote healthy lifestyles and to enhance people's sense of social responsibility. The event was organized on February 29, 2024, in partnership with the Association of Medical Students and Residents from Moldova and the National Blood Transfusion Center, with around 100 liters of blood being collected.
Among the donors was Joshua Bijiu, a third-year student from India at Faculty of Medicine no. 2, who confessed to us that he is donating blood for the first time and will surely make it a tradition. "Many countries are facing a crisis of blood supplies, which is why it is very important to donate, because we are giving someone a chance at life," the medical student mentioned.
Also a first time donor, Anastasia Lica, a second-year student at Faculty of Medicine no. 1 said that : "I was very nervous at first, but after the blood collection I felt very proud of myself. It's a simple gesture, but for people in serious condition it's a lifesaver, that's why I urge everyone to donate blood."
We send our sincere thanks to all participants in the action "Donate blood - be a hero!", who were generous for the sake of people's health!
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