The scientific-practical conference "Gheorghe Paladi Days. On the 95th anniversary"
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Members of the university community, academicians, obstetricians from the entire country, students and resident doctors gathered in a scientific-practical conference with the generic name "Gheorghe Paladi Days. On the 95th anniversary". The event took place on May 17, 2024 and was organized by the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova in partnership with Gheorghe Paladi Municipal Clinical Hospital.
At the opening of the conference, university professor Olga Cernetchi, first vice-rector, vice-rector for didactic activity, spoke about the outstanding contribution of academician Gheorghe Paladi to the development of the field of obstetrics and gynecology and the health system in the country, about his achievements as an obstetrician -gynecologist and university professor, about his merits in the development of medical science and the training of health professionals, his indispensable relationship with Alma Mater, academic evolution within the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), his human qualities in relations with superiors, colleagues and disciples.
"Academician Gheorghe Paladi is an obstetrician-gynecologist by vocation, a distinguished scientist and a well-known personality in the academic elite and national culture. His nice birthday is a special occasion to pay tribute to a distinguished personality of the scientific elite of the Republic of Moldova, wishing him good health and a long life", the first vice-rector stated.
The vice-president of ASM, academician Eva Gudumac, who also attended the event, emphasized that acad. Paladi always had the ability to select his disciples accordingly: "Professor Gheorghe Paladi was the first coordinator at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, who helped us advance. His life was hard and stressful, with sleepless nights... He is a person with high intelligence and extraordinary capabilities, who at all Academy meetings addresses problems and seeks solutions for the field of obstetrics and gynecology. I wish the academician good health, strength and patience". The ASM leadership decided to award the distinguished academician the "Scientific Merit" distinction, first class - for professionalism, for all the things he has done for the Republic of Moldova, for the nation and his homeland.
Angela Cutasevici, the vice-mayor of Chisinau municipality, thanked the academician for his entire contribution to medicine, for more than 70 years dedicated to the medical system and maternal health, as well as for more than half a million births assisted during his professional activity.
Vasile Guzun, director of Gheorghe Paladi Municipal Clinical Hospital no. 1, spoke about the professionalism, dedication and merits of the distinguished professor in the training of several generations of obstetrician-gynecologists within the public medical-sanitary institution and stated that he would continue to hold such an event annually. "The organization of the scientific-practical conference makes us responsible for new achievements and improvements in the field of science and medical progress. The hospital is one of the most important clinical bases of Nicolae Testemitanu University, where the departments work, an important center of scientific and didactic activity for the training of future doctors and practitioners in the country. We are proud of being contemporaries of the great scientist Gheorghe Paladi and of the fact that the hospital's team has accumulated experience and professional competence, working for seven decades around this true professional", the director of the hospital specified.
On May 9 this year we marked the 95th anniversary of the birth of the academician Gheorghe Paladi - outstanding personality of local medicine and higher medical education, Habilitated Doctor of Medical Sciences, university professor, who for over 65 years has been active in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Nicolae Testemitanu University, of which 34 years as head of department. Since 2020, the public health institution Municipal Clinical Hospital no. 1 from Chisinau has borne the name of the illustrious doctor and scientist.
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