"Beyond borders: united for mental health"
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Republic of Moldova was the host of an international scientific event with the title "Beyond borders: united for mental health", which included the 8th Eastern European Conference on Mental Health "In and Out of Your Mind" and the 4th International Congress of the Society of Psychiatrists, Narcologists, Psychotherapists and Clinical Psychologists from the Republic of Moldova.
The event was inaugurated on October 10, 2024. The opening was attended by: Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco, chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for Social Protection, Health and Family Adrian Belii, rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University Emil Ceban, representative of the World Health Organization in the Republic of Moldova Miljana Grbic et al.
State officials stressed the urgent need to address mental health issues, develop more effective policies and accessible services for people experiencing mental health difficulties. The Minister of Health mentioned that in addition to the services offered in three psychiatric hospitals, 40 community mental health centers operate in the Republic of Moldova. The centers provide medical assistance and psychosocial rehabilitation, support and mediation in family and community relations. Last year, the government approved the National Program on Mental Health for the years 2023-2027, which provides for actions to prepare a resilient mental health system, ensuring access to universal services for people affected by these disorders, at all stages of life, a 25% decrease in the number of hospitalizations by 2027, promotion of mental health and psycho-emotional preparation of population in emergency situations to overcome community crises, reduction of the suicide mortality rate, etc.
Rector Emil Ceban emphasized the fact that social, economic and health challenges put pressure on the mental health of society - a context that requires us to join our efforts, to act in a coordinated manner, beyond geographical, cultural and institutional barriers. "This event highlights the urgent need for collaboration and exchange of best practices among specialists to generate sustainable solutions. It is crucial that we inform ourselves and develop integrated policies that address all aspects of mental health – prevention, treatment and reintegration into society. Nicolae Testemitanu University strongly supports the development of education and research in this field. Through the academic programs and the research carried out, we contribute to the training of new generations of specialists, who will have the ability to respond to these challenges and bring positive changes to our communities", the rector concluded.
Jana Chihai, head of the Department of Mental Health, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy of Nicolae Testemitanu University mentioned that mental health represented a major challenge in many societies, including the Republic of Moldova, and its recognition was an important step in improving the quality of people's lives.
"Initiatives that focus on mental well-being can help reduce stigma and facilitate access to needed treatments and resources. Also, strengthening the efforts of relevant institutions will help to build a healthier and more resilient society", pointed out Associate Professor Jana Chihai.
Guido Beltrani, director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova, emphasized that access to health was a fundamental human right and Switzerland's continuous commitment to support and improve the health system in our country, highlighting the collaboration to strengthen mental health services and improving governance in this area.
The event was organized between October 10-13, 2024 by the Department of Mental Health, Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy of Nicolae Testemitanu University within the framework of Mensana Moldovan-Swiss Project, under the auspices of the Government of Switzerland and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova. The forum provided a good opportunity for specialists in the field to discuss the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health disorders.
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