Competence training in the field of endourological surgery through simulation
Students and resident doctors from Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy will have a more effective and realistic practical experience thanks to modern technologies for simulating operations in the field of urology. The Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology of the University, located at Timofei Mosneaga Republican Clinical Hospital, was equipped with a high-performance simulator for the development of skills in the field of endourological surgery of the lower and upper urinary tract.
The purchase of the latest generation equipment was possible thanks to the Project "Consolidation of medical education in urology and surgical nephrology through simulation", financed by the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova (DRRM) within the Government of Romania. The value of the project is 500 thousand Romanian lei.
In the context of the project completion, on October 23, 2024, an event was organized to put the simulator into operation. Rector Emil Ceban stated that Nicolae Testemitanu University was constantly modernizing: "We are changing the study programs in accordance with European standards and, respectively, these endowments are aligned with the latest innovations for training doctors and strengthening the national health system. The integration of the simulator in medical training will contribute to increasing excellence in medical practice and improving the quality of health services offered to patients in the Republic of Moldova. The implementation of this project underlines the University's commitment to continuously improve medical education and to support the development of a resilient medical associative environment between Romania and the Republic of Moldova".
The Rector reminded that, previously, the Department of Pathology was endowed with high-performance equipment thanks to two other projects carried out with the support of DRRM and expressed gratitude to the Romanian government for its invaluable support in the development of higher education in Moldova.
Adrian Dupu, State Secretary of the DRRM, has emphasized that this project not only provides quality tools and techniques for students and resident doctors, but will also improve the medical services offered to patients. "This is what Europe means - quality education, medical services and quality infrastructure, the best example of this being Romania, where new hospitals are being built with European money. This budget is tiny in addition to the funds offered by the EU", the Romanian official stated. Adrian Dupu assured that DRRM supported and would further support quality education in the Republic of Moldova by continuing collaboration under other projects. In total, the institution has selected for financing 99 projects submitted between February -March 2024.
According to Professor Adrian Tanase, head of the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology, this simulator will contribute to the training of resident doctors in the field directly in the country. Previously, young specialists used to visit urology clinics in Romania and other countries to gain experience in the field.
In the opinion of Associate Professor Andrei Galescu, head of the Urology Unit at Timofei Mosneaga CRH, learning with the help of the simulator is a huge leap for the field of urology, because it will reduce the risk of complications that may occur during the training stages in endourological techniques, ensuring a safe and effective training of future specialists. "It is the beginning of the implementation of new technologies and artificial intelligence, a fact that will contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists, who will represent us in Moldova and abroad.
Associate Professor Pavel Banov also believes that simulation education has a great scientific impact, as it significantly reduces the training time of young doctors. In this context, Dr. Banov expressed his hope for the strengthening of collaboration with Romanian clinics to take over the experience and organize similar competitions.
"This simulator is not only a technical investment, but also one in our future and in the quality of medical services provided to patients in the country. Endourology is a rapidly developing branch of minimally invasive urology that requires multiple skills and a vast number of practical skills that resident physicians must possess. Practicing on the simulator will avoid the mistakes that we are not allowed to make in the operating room, and we hope that we will become better specialists, day by day", stressed resident doctor Alexandru Mitu.
Andrei Uncuta, director of Timofei Mosneaga CRH, noted that these activities would certainly lead to raising the quality of medical care, reducing medical risks and increasing the professional performance of academics and doctors.
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