
Health Sciences Library of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University has opened two reading rooms with free access to the shelf

Published: 16.05.2024



Two reading rooms with free access to the shelf were opened at the Health Sciences Library (HSL) of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova. The new information space is designed for 150 visitors, including three rooms for group study, each with six seats, and Infomedica Center with a capacity of 19 computer workstations, to ensure users' access to relevant electronic information resources in the medical and pharmaceutical areas.

 The inauguration of the new premises of the HSL took place on April 23, 2024, at the University Sociocultural Complex (25 Nicolae Testemitanu str.), in the context of the Librarian's Day and the International Book and Copyright Day.

 The ceremony was moderated by the library director Liubovi Karnaeva, who stated that in the new reading rooms, students would benefit from didactic publications in Romanian, English, Russian and French - textbooks, compendiums, course notes, methodical instructions, practical lessons etc. At the same time, users will have access to databases, electronic libraries, resources focused on evidence-based medicine and other informational products.


University Rector Emil Ceban emphasized the relevance of the long-awaited event, mentioning that the university library is a modern medical and pharmaceutical information and documentation center, which aims to ensure the informational processes of education, research, medical practice, training and continuous education of doctors and pharmacists in the country. "Thoroughly integrated into the medical academic environment as an expression of the information space, the library has demonstrated its value, contributing over the years to the training of many generations of doctors and pharmacists, illustrious scholars in medicine and pharmacy. We hope that the new informational and reading space will facilitate access to current medical literature and valuable electronic resources, which will contribute to improving the quality of higher medical education, research, and medical assistance in our country", the rector pointed out.

In the opinion of the dean of the Faculty of Medicine no. 1 Gheorghe Placinta, the library is a cornerstone, a house of knowledge, without which there is no academic journey that we all should experience. “Medical education involves not only access to information, but also tailored learning environments and study hubs for students and medical residents, access to essential reference materials and advanced technological tools for interactive learning. Libraries play an indispensable role in physicians’ training and continuing medical education, facilitating research efforts and career advancement. At the Library we will find reliable new and fundamental publications on research and education. The development of a university depends on the environment which inspires us, where we go to find the necessary source to grow and continue our academic career", the dean stated.


According to Cristina Stahi, a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, it is essential for students to have a vast material base, a well-equipped functional library and various informational resources, which give them the opportunity to access various documentary sources to expand their knowledge horizon. The medical student assured that the students would be faithful readers in the new reading rooms.

Stela Vudu, a researcher in the Laboratory of Endocrinology, noted that the library has become a hub where information technology, innovation and artificial intelligence are concentrated. "Research and innovation are fundamental elements in the progress of medicine, which help us discover new treatments, understand the mechanisms of diseases and improve the quality of patients’ life. Through research, we can bring about significant changes in medical practice and contribute to increasing the prestige of our institution nationally and internationally", the young researcher specified.

For her part, Rodica Peredelcu, Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, active beneficiary of the library services, expressed her gratitude to the University administration and the library team for the hard work dedicated to the development and promotion of the HSL scientific heritage, as well as for the possibility of completing the documentary fund with new manuals.

Sani Jai, an international student at Faculty of Medicine no. 2, and Andrei Lesco, surgeon, professor at Raisa Pacalo Center of Excellence in Medicine and Pharmacy, conveyed congratulatory messages.


The new reading space also includes the book collection of Dr. Richard Koch – one of the largest personal collections of old and rare medical books in Europe, with 2638 copies in several languages ​​(German with Gothic font, Latin, French, Greek, etc.), most of them with a medical profile.

 In the Library’s Hall, the work of art “О, human” was exhibited - a unique work of inestimable value, executed by Louisa Yantsen, ceramic artist, sculptor, Master of Arts from the Moldavian SSR. The artwork renders an allegorical image of our world. On the left side of it is depicted, in relief, the figure of Zeus looking at the blooming earth, which personifies the human mind. On the right side, the goddess Athena is depicted, her face distorted with anger, looking at the incinerated globe, is the personification of a possible catastrophe. The work was conceived and realized for the republican exhibition "Moldovan Artists in the Struggle for Peace" (1986), and in this way the artist expressed her protest against wars and the destruction of everything reasonable and beautiful, created along millennia on Planet Earth.

The schedule of the new reading rooms is from Monday to Friday, between 9:00-20:00, Sunday - between 9:00-16:00. Saturday – closed.

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