I am the promoter of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University: campaign 2023
Students, master's students, doctoral students, resident doctors, teaching staff and graduates are urged to become ambassadors of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova and to participate in the new edition of the campaign “I am the promoter of Nicolae Testemitanu University” launched on February 1, 2023.
The Department of Communication and Public Relations, in partnership with the University's faculties and the Association of Medical Students and Residents from Moldova, invites you to be the protagonist of the campaign by making a video material or writing a message promoting the specialties/study programs and Alma Mater, in general. Thus, we are waiting for the most convincing and original messages recommending medical specialties and our university to young people - students and graduates of lyceums (high schools/secondary schools) and colleges - to make the best choice for their future professional career.
What is the advantage of participating in this campaign? You can be the spokesperson who will motivate and encourage young people to opt for a study program at our university.
We offer you some suggestions:
How did you choose to study at Nicolae Testemitanu University? What made you choose a specialty in the field of Medicine/ Pharmacy/ Stomatology etc.?
Why did you choose the Medicine/ Stomatology/ Pharmacy/ Public Health/ Nursing/ Optometry/ Radiological Technology/ Physiokinetotherapy and Rehabilitation program? What makes this specialty/profession attractive?
Describe the student life at Nicolae Testemitanu University.
Tell the most memorable story/funny experience related to your studies or extracurricular activity;
What opportunities for professional and personal development do medical students have?;
Tell about the mobility programs you participated in thanks to the partnerships between Nicolae Testemitanu University and other relevant institutions;
Tell about a nurse/doctor/teacher/mentor who inspired/motivated you in choosing your specialty/profession;
Come up with ideas and personal opinions that will bring added value to the University or the study program.
Requirements: The duration of the video messages will be 1-2 minutes, and the written texts will contain up to 2000 characters, being accompanied by at least one representative photo.
Send the materials to the e-mail relatiipublice@usmf.md, between February and August 2023. Indicate the first and last name, year and study program/status/position/job, as well as the phone number (for details). Later, they will be posted on the University's Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/usmf.md) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/usmf.md/) pages, and the video sequences - including on the institutional channel on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@usmfnicolaetestemitanu).
We also urge University graduates, from the country and the entire world, to join the campaign “I am the promoter of Nicolae Testemitanu University” We are curious to know your story that can motivate or inspire other young people to follow your example. We welcome any initiative!
The Republic of Moldova needs young specialists in Medicine and Pharmacy to monitor people's health! Good luck!
Preluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe www.usmf.md.