International Family Doctor's Day
The problems and difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic do not stop family doctors from honoring their obligations with devotion and from demonstrating professionalism and the ability to consolidate, for which they deserve the appreciation and recognition of the entire society. The statement belongs to Emil Ceban, rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy and was made on May 19, during the conference dedicated to the International Day of Family Doctors, organized by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection (MSMPS) with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC).
"The great importance of family medicine for the health system of the country is undeniable, basically representing its foundation. The professional competence, the moral and civic status of the family doctor dictate, to a large extent, the quality of primary health care, with repercussions on the activity of all medical fields and, ultimately, on the health of the population", emphasized professor Emil Ceban.
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is fully involved at all stages of professional training of primary health care specialists – undergraduate studies, postgraduate residency and continuing medical education, adjusted to European educational standards, our institution is permanently open to strengthen the professional capacity of family doctors. Thus, the University's infrastructure allows the development of practical skills of family doctors and nurses, including at the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training. The university offers a full range of advanced courses as well as primary specialization in Family Medicine. Undoubtedly, as a center of excellence and model center of contemporary practices in the primary health care system, since 2003, remains the University Clinic of Primary Health Care, which serves as the main clinical base of the Department of Family Medicine.
In the opinion of professor Ghenadie Curocichin, head of the Department of Family Medicine, "we are eyewitnesses to the consolidation of the Primary Health Care system and teams of family doctors, including the possibilities of rapid testing of people suspected to have COVID-19 infection and patient management through home care in mild and moderate severity cases”.
The professor established that many of the patients who suffered from COVID-19 faced multiple health consequences and needed treatment and recovery, and these activities largely fell under the responsibility of family doctors and primary health care teams: "There have been a number of challenges, but also opportunities, because remote patient management has become a reality, e-medicine gaining ground in the practice of family doctors”, mentioned Ghenadie Curocichin. The professor also addressed the issue of granting greater autonomy to family doctors, specifying that an attempt in this regard was made by launching, at Nicolae Testemitanu University, the training program for nurses with higher education, from which a high degree of autonomy in professional activity was expected.
Professor Grigore Bivol, founder of the Department of Family Medicine, has concluded that the pandemic was a difficult test for the health system, doctors becoming frontline workers on a permanent basis. "Under these conditions, family doctors were overworked, with few tools and little protection available. The challenges, in addition to human losses, have also created many opportunities for rapid learning, changing ways of working, which in turn have demonstrated the value and appreciation of society for family medicine. People become more aware of the need to fortify the primary link of the healthcare system after witnessing how family doctors have been fulfilling their daily duties”, said Grigore Bivol. Professor stresses the pandemic has shown that only in a team can we change things, defend our rights and demand the full appreciation we deserve at central and community level. We must decide what changes are needed in family medicine and which of the learned lessons should be used in the future in order to carry out professional activities more efficiently. In this context, the teacher has congratulated the first class of family doctors, who completed their studies 20 years ago.
According to Associate Professor Jana Chihai from the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology, the COVID-19 pandemic made primary care staff work in extreme conditions and overwork, as the total workload has increased considerably with the changes in the way basic medical services are provided. "Prolonged stay on the front line is a substantial challenge, and specialists are considering the consequences of the pandemic on the mental health of medical staff. It was found that 80% of the workforce in Primary Health Care invokes the presence of moderate burnout syndrome, and about 40% of them – a severe burnout", mentioned the psychologist.
"After the pandemic, it will be important to think about how to provide support – encouraging and taking care of family doctors and, in fact, all medical professionals. Given the acute shortage of labor force in the health system, such an approach can also be an effective lever for retaining and attracting staff to Primary Health Care”, concluded Jana Chihai.
The event brought together over 250 specialists in the field, family doctors employed in the country were offered diplomas by the MSMPS, the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. Representatives of the MSMPS, the National Medical Insurance Company, Health Federation of Trade Unions, WHO, SDC, and other organizations also took the floor at the Conference.
The day of professionals in the field of primary health care is marked globally, starting with 2010, at the initiative of the World Organization of Family Doctors. In the Republic of Moldova, there are 1595 family doctors.
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