Launch of Leica Confocal Microscope at Nicolae Testemitanu University
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova launched on 13 May 2022 a Leica confocal microscope - high-performance device for conducting research in the field of biomedicine. Its acquisition was possible due to the cross-border structural grant "Integrated cross-border network for advanced health services in the field of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders - OBDIA-NET", developed and implemented together with Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania.
"We set out to create decent conditions for researchers in our state, motivating them to stay at home and contribute to the development of both the University and the country’s health system," mentioned Nicolae Testemitanu University Rector Professor Emil Ceban during the press conference organized for this purpose. "Today, in order to ensure excellence and high quality in education and healthcare, it is necessary to apply scientific research. Therefore, all the efforts of the university community are aimed at reforming the processes of medical education through research, involving students and young doctors in basic research, while capitalizing on human potential, in this regard, remains of paramount importance. We intend to open a Biobank and carry out large-scale genetic studies. We have ambitious plans and we are determined to implement them as soon as possible," added Rector Emil Ceban.
Present at the event, Prof. Dr. Adrian Covic, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, guest of honor, highlighted that this was a big step forward, as the first successful cross-border project, and that "your university is the primum movens. Chronic diseases - diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease - are, in fact, diseases of the present and the future. This project constitutes a good way to familiarize young people at the beginning of their activity with high performance techniques". At the end of his speech, Professor Covic congratulated the representatives of our institution for the idea of concentrating valuable acquisitions in a molecular research center, specifying that UMF Iași will probably follow our example.
Academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research, emphasized that the launch of this confocal microscope is a result of teamwork, and "collaboration with Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, representing an honor and a special opportunity, because we are a population with a common history, traditions and roots. "This project is a cornerstone for today and tomorrow, we have unique opportunities to study important issues related to improving the quality of life of the population, which would allow us to extrapolate and propose accurate prophylaxis and treatment strategies. At the beginning of my career in neurology I wanted to study the human brain in depth, which was impossible in those days when the evolution processes of imaging techniques did not offer great possibilities for research. Currently we have this advantage. Due to this system we can penetrate the integrity of the cell, see its features, fine structure and follow what changes take place ", concluded Professor Groppa.
During the event, Tatiana Marițoi, university assistant at the Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy, specialist in confocal microscopy who served an internship at the Center for Advanced Research in Medicine and Pharmacy at George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology from Târgu Mureș, Romania, stated that "this purchase is a beautiful gem and it is an honor to be the co-pilot of this system, which can monitor the effectiveness of treatment and visualize the integration of specific molecules in pills or treatment methods applied."
The confocal microscope is a scientific instrument that will be used in the research activity of Nicolae Testemitanu University in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of the University for the period 2021-2030 and the Strategy for strengthening the field of research and innovation. This microscope is a high-performance fluorescence device that uses a laser light source on the sample. A sensor detects the fluorescence of each point in the sample and all this information is processed to generate a three-dimensional (3D) virtual image. Thus, the confocal microscope will respond to some of the most difficult challenges of modern science, ensuring the high sensitivity and speed required for live-cell imaging. The confocal microscopy system is based on a technology of significantly increasing the resolution and allows the visualization and examination of fixed or fresh and fluorescently labeled histology and cytology preparations.
The cross-border project "Integrated cross-border network for advanced health services in the field of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders - OBDIA-NET" is funded by the Joint Operational Program Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020.
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