The best researchers of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy were awarded prizes at the Laureates Gala - a ceremony that ended the program of anniversary events. The winners of the Research Activity Impact performance contest - researchers, scientists and doctoral students - were identified according to the following ratings: Hirsch Index in Scopus Scientometric Database, Hirsch Index in Google Scholar, articles published in 2020 in journals with higher impact factor (IF).
Thus, 6 prizes were awarded to the university staff and another 6 to the doctoral students for the Hirsch index in Scopus and in Google Scholar. At the same time, the authors of articles published in 2020 in journals with higher impact factor were evaluated based on data from the reports on research activity conducted in 2020, presented by the university subdivisions.
Rector Emil Ceban has mentioned, at the opening of the Gala, that research is one of the priority areas established in the Strategic Development Plan of the University for the next 10 years. In this context, different ways of stimulating and motivating scientific staff to promote their scientific results are identified annually. Last year a publication contest was organized, this year - Research Activity Impact reflected by the Hirsch and IF index. The results of respective competitions represent a personal achievement, but also an institutional one. These people make our institution famous abroad and, respectively, the University is evaluated according to this rating.
Academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research, summed up the outcome of scientific events that took place during the University Days, emphasizing that we should be proud of the high scientific potential of Nicolae Testemitanu University: ”There are young people in Moldova, and the University educates internationally recognized professionals, who occupy important positions and lead scientific directions”. The annual scientific conference Biomedical and Health Research: Quality, Excellence and Performance was greatly appreciated by participants who concluded with enthusiasm and satisfaction that Nicolae Testemitanu University’s achievements underpin the health system, providing confidence in the future.
The conference was attended by representatives from 17 countries, including: the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation, the USA, Sweden, Nigeria, India, Cyprus, Turkey, Romania, Israel, Ukraine, Germany, Jordan, the Baltic States. An extensive geographical coverage - 320 moderators, 220 national and 4 international speakers, about 3000 participants – which has created an academic atmosphere, allowing us to debate the most interesting and current topics in all fields of medicine.
Round table DiaMed.MD Medical Network - training through research in the era of internationalization - the novelty of this year's scientific program, contributed to the development of collaboration with University graduates, still representing an important strategy and a niche for promoting our university. The sessions of the Scientific Conference gathered over 100 thousand views from students, doctors and foreign colleagues.
In parallel with these events, exhibitions of didactic and scientific publications, electronic posters and intellectual property objects have been organized. The most ingenious articles were published in the Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences, Dental Medicine and Pharmaceutical Journal of Moldova, while summaries of scientific communications will be included in the Abstract Book collection. The annual scientific conference was credited with 25 credits of continuing medical education by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova.
Heartfelt congratulations to the winners of the Research Activity Impact contest! We wish them health, creative force and remarkable results!
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