”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has taken strict prevention measures regarding the new type COVID-19
The administration of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova has taken strict measures to prevent the spread of the new type Coronavirus, in order to ensure the health and life safety of the beneficiaries of studies and of the University employees.
In this context, the rector of the University issued the Order no. 41-A of 27.02.2020 On the prophylaxis measures of the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), according to which the heads of administration, teaching, scientific and support subdivisions have to bring it to the notice of the beneficiaries of studies and of the University employees, against signature. The deans of faculties and heads of teaching subdivisions are responsible to inform periodically the students, resident-doctors and doctoral students regarding the prevention measures, the clinical manifestations and early diagnosis of the new type Coronavirus infection with the recommendation of detention at home in case of manifestation of symptoms of respiratory disorders and immediate address to the family doctor.
In this order of ideas, the responsibilities of the heads of teaching departments and university subdivisions include ensuring the cleaning of the study rooms by ventilating the rooms, processing the surfaces with disinfectants substances, as well as observing the study schedule and the working regime. Also, it is prohibited the conducting of job activities of the university staff who have respective symptoms, with the same recommendations mentioned above.
In the same time, it will be restricted the movement abroad of the country in the areas affected by the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) of the university staff and of the students assuming full responsibility by the persons who move on their own initiative.
In the context, it is recommended to people who have traveled abroad at return to self-monitor the health status for a period of 14 days, and at the onset of the clinical symptoms of acute respiratory infection to contact the family doctor.
At the same time, it will be ensured the emergency purchase of disinfectants for hands and surfaces, as well as liquid soap and disposable paper towels, according to the requirements established for complying with the sanitary-epidemic rules for the prevention of infection with the new type Coronavirus infection, the dispensers with the disinfectants for hands should be placed at the entrances of teaching buildings, university clinics and dormitories.
The order includes the arrangement of isolation wards for students in hostels no. 13 and 17 in case of occurrence of cases of infection with the new type Coronavirus infection and limit the contact with the suspect/sick person.
At the same time, it will be ensured the monitoring of the foreign students who come to study at the University and their temporary accommodation, for a period of 14 days, in the spaces of Hostel no. 17, isolated from the other students. The Bureau of Migration and Asylum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be informed with regard to the prevention measures of Coronavirus infection undertaken within the institution and the need to extend the term of documentation of foreign citizens coming to university studies.
Other provisions aim to intensify the wet scrubbing regime of surfaces, handles and doors at least 2 times a day and as necessary, with authorised disinfectant solutions, as well as frequent ventilation of the study rooms, ensuring the hygienic conditions and healthy nutrition of students and employees in university canteens and buffets, with a rich meniu in fruits and vegetables.
The Clinical Activity Management Center will ensure permanent monitoring and immediate information of the University Rector about the occurrence of cases of infection with the new type Coronavirus infection.
A separate point of the order refers to the fact that the specialized doctors, University employees will provide methodological consultative aid to healthcare institutions on the principles of the provision of medical assistance, the measures of prevention and response to the new type Coronavirus infection.
The document was elaborated and issued on the provisions of the Decision of the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission no. 1 of February 2, 2020, regarding the epidemiological situation of the new type Coronavirus infection, of the decision of the World Health Organization to declare a public health emergency of international interest, the Order of the Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection no. 81 of 24.01.2020 regarding the measures of prevention and control of the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the Order of the Minister of Education, Culture and Research no. 174 of 25.02.20202 regarding the epidemiological prophylaxis of influenza, acute respiratory infections and the new type Coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) in educational institutions, the Directive of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research no. 03 / 1-09 /1044 of 19.02.2020.
The rector's order was distributed to the institution employees on the day of issue through the institutional type e-mail addresses. At the same time, the document was placed on the institution website and in the University Management Information System - https://ums.usmf.md/, in the Documents, Communication and Public Relations, Administrative Orders.
Today, the rector Emil Ceban had a meeting with vice-rectors and deans of the faculties, where they discussed the epidemiological situation at the national and international levels regarding the new type Coronavirus infection. Rector pointed out that Order no. 41 of 27.02.2020 On the prophylaxis measures of the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was translated into English to be made known to all students (native and foreign), against signature, including its dissemination through SIMU. At the same time, the rector of Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh said that all students from the III-VI years, who carry out the training process in clinical disciplines within the medical-sanitary institutions in the capital, should be provided with masks.
The deans of the faculties reported on the health status of the students and the attendance at hours, which is systematically monitored. In present time, there is no increase in the number of acute respiratory cases among students.
More information about the prevention measures of COVID-19 infection, that will be updated systematically based on the official sources, can be found:
1.https://usmf.md/ro/noutati/masuri-de-prevenire-si-control-infectiei-cu-coronavirus-de-tip-nou-covid-19 (in Romanian);
2.https://usmf.md/ru/noutati/osnovnye-mery-predostorozhnosti-dlya-zaschity-ot-novoy-koronavirusnoy-infekcii(in Russian);
3.https://usmf.md/en/noutati/prevention-and-control-measures-coronavirus-infection (in English).
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