Opportunities for scientific-teaching staff offered under Erasmus+ Program
An information session on the opportunities of Erasmus+ Program was held at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy for scientific and teaching staff, on November 23. The event was organized by the team of the Department of External Relations and European Integration in partnership with the Erasmus+ Office in the Republic of Moldova.
The discussions mainly focused on the topics: international credit mobility; strengthening capacities in the field of higher education; the Jean Monnet actions (support for teaching, learning, research and debates on various aspects related to the European Union) etc.
The representatives of the Erasmus+ National Office team - Claudia Melinte, national coordinator, and Cristina Gherman, administrator - expressed their willingness to provide support and consultancy based on their own experience to continue the development of international projects. Claudia Melinte spoke about the registration conditions and the success rate of the projects, the selection of partner universities, establishing a specific topic regarding how to develop a project, filling out the file, etc. At the same time, the expert emphasized the need to highlight existing problems and good practices to improve the skills of writing and submitting Erasmus+ project proposals.
In this context, the teaching staff members were urged to come up with direct proposals to the partner universities to multiply the number of mobilities, because in the current year the budget provided for this purpose is higher, thus the number of mobilities will increase. "The formula, concept and perception of a study program in each educational institution are different, however the Erasmus+ Program offers universities a unique tool for international credit mobility", said the national coordinator, specifying that the recognition of credits is the exercise that allows standardization and comparison of university curricula and educational programs for mobile students.
It should be mentioned that the Erasmus+ National Office is going to hold an information session for medical students as well, to present the opportunities for young people from the Republic of Moldova and promote the internationalization of studies, mobility, and the exchange of experience for students and teaching staff.
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