”Premature child – realities and perspectives in multidisciplinary medical conduct”: scientific-practical conference with international participation
Family doctors, paediatricians, neonatologists and pulmonologists, resident doctors and students participated in the scientific-practical conference with international participation with the generic title "Premature child - realities and perspectives in multidisciplinary medical conduct". The scientific event took place on November 28, 2024, in the context of World Prematurity Day.
The conference was inaugurated by the President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) Ion Tighineanu, who highlighted the multidisciplinary aspect of the event. "Together with the Romanian Academy and branch institutions in the Romanian area, we launched on November 12 the Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development in the Romanian Area, and the scientific research we are going to carry out during this period focuses on multidisciplinarity - an approach to problems from various perspectives which can offer innovative and sustainable solutions", stressed the president.
Academician Eva Gudumac, university professor at Natalia Gheorghiu Chair of Pediatric Surgery, Orthopedics and Anesthesiology of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, emphasized the importance of the topic addressed during the conference, mentioning, in particular, the challenges encountered in surgical interventions in premature children. Eva Gudumac categorized these interventions as life-saving operations for premature patients and encouraged the participants to share their knowledge and collaborate to achieve significant results in this complex field.
In this context, in accordance with the decision of the ASM presidium, a group of pediatricians were appreciated with distinctions for their achievements and significant contributions, and dedication to the medical field and the health of little patients. Thus, the "Nicolae Milescu Spataru" Medal was awarded to Angela Maniuc, Doctor of Medical Sciences, anesthesiologist-reanimatologist; The "Academic Merit" diploma was awarded to anesthesiologists Ludmila Chiriac, Valeriu Neamtu, Aliona Catrinescu and Vitalie Secu from the Natalia Gheorghiu National Scientific-Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery from the Republic of Moldova.
The scientific session started with the plenary lecture "Sudden death - in the cardiologist's view", presented online by university professor Irina Iuliana Costache Enache from Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cardiology Clinic, St. Spiridon County Clinical Hospital of Emergency from Iasi, Romania.
The forum brought together international guests, including: Professor Sebastian Ionescu, Honorary Member of ASM, head of the Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics Discipline, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, head of the Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics Clinic, M.S.Curie Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children, Bucharest; Associate Professors Carmen-Iulia Ciongradi, Discipline of pediatric surgery and orthopedics, and Elena Tarca, Department of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania; and Professor Iulia Godovanet, Department of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Perinatal Medicine at the Bucovina State Medical University in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
During the scientific event, the specialists addressed a series of topics, such as: Stabilization of the newborn with major surgical anomalies of the respiratory system (congenital lobar emphysema, cystic adenomatous lung anomaly); Gastroschisis in the premature newborn; Preoperative assessment of the premature child with anomalies of the digestive tract; Management of postoperative apnea in premature infants with multiple congenital anomalies; Anesthesia in the premature newborn. Peculiarities of anesthesia; Induction and maintenance of anesthesia in the preterm neonate with diaphragmatic hernia. Factors involved in the selection of the anesthetic technique; Management of antenatally detected pyelectasia. The role of infection in the premature newborn; Multicystic renal dysplasia in the premature newborn associated with other renal anomalies. Which of them requires nephrectomy?; Sacrococcygeal teratoma in the premature newborn. Is there a risk of malignancy? Morbidity of the child born prematurely – neonatal characteristics and evolutionary repercussions; Assistance to the premature child at different levels of medical supervision from the perspective of preventing non-communicable diseases, etc.
The conference was organized by the Pneumology Clinic within the Department of Pediatrics of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University in partnership with the ASM.
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