The Quality Management System of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University exceeds ISO 9001:2015 requirements
"The requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard have lagged behind what you are implementing at the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, and the only recommendation is to maintain the pace of development you have reached." The statement belongs to auditor Vlad Gheorghita, expert of Certind certification company from Bucharest, Romania, who performed an external audit on October 20 and 21 this year.
The external evaluation was carried out with the aim of verifying the compliance and functionality of the Quality Management System with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
At the end of the mission, the Romanian auditor had a meeting with the rector of Nicolae Testemitanu University, professor Emil Ceban, and members of the administrative team, during which he emphasized that the university's Quality Management System is functional and viable, while the applied quality standard is a very high one and requires a lot of effort and professionalism to maintain it. "You have a full-fledged quality management system and, from personal experience, I found that universities with traditions also have healthy management, a management culture well implemented within the institution, which is your case as well. The University Management Information System has been upgraded on a permanent basis. The entire professional body and the team responsible for quality are very well trained and at a higher level compared to other universities and specialized centers. In a tiny country, you represent a quite large university", pointed out the Romanian evaluator.
Rector Ceban has mentioned that the administrative team pays great attention to the recommendations of the external auditors and, after each audit mission, adjusts the processes and ensures the continuity with a view to meeting all the requirements of the quality standard. In addition, the team of internal auditors is the one that continuously monitors the implementation of the recommendations and due to this fact, we have established a high–quality level. "Our team is very effective and resilient, it is the one that insists, verifies, imposes the recommended changes and the maintenance of the quality management system", emphasized rector Emil Ceban.
During the two days of external audit mission, the Certind expert visited several university subdivisions, conducted interviews, watched closely the processes and activities carried out at the university, as well as the analysis of the documented information.
The final report of the audit mission will be presented to the University at the beginning of November this year.
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