infectious disease pathology

Reality and prospects in infectious disease pathology

Published: 07.11.2023

​​patologia infecțioasăMore than 130 participants gathered at the Infectious Diseases National Conference with international participation to highlight the reality and prospects in infectious pathology. The scientific event was organized by the Department of Infectious, Tropical Diseases and Medical Parasitology of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

In the opening of the forum, university professor Tiberiu Holban, head of the respective Department, emphasized that the reunion intends to discuss current problems in infectious pathology, such as: flu and IRVA; HIV/AIDS; acute and chronic viral hepatitis; laboratory diagnosis; sepsis and antimicrobial resistance; latent and chronic infections; parasitic diseases etc. "The phenomenon of the spread of infectious pathologies is directly related to national security issues. Analyzing the draft National Security Strategy of the Republic of Moldova, I noticed that no article on biosecurity is indicated in the context of security at the country level. In these conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the local infectious disease management service in all areas: laboratory methods, patient isolation spaces, prevention, etc. Infectious diseases present an increased risk, including due to global warming, a phenomenon that leads to the spread of new infectious agents", noted Professor Holban.

​​patologia infecțioasăNicolae Testemitanu University rector, Professor Emil Ceban, specified that the scientific event is relevant both for our university and for the national health system. "Infectious diseases are a subject of ongoing study for medical scholars and continue to constitute a challenge for practitioners. Infectious diseases represent an enormous danger to civilization, affecting all spheres of social life. The structure of the health system assumes that the patient with an infectious disease, in most cases, initially visits the first line doctors - family doctors, emergency doctors, internists, paediatricians, etc. Hence there is need for a thorough training of specialists to detect the sick early and provide emergency medical assistance, especially to patients with severe infectious diseases", said the rector.

Professor Ceban highlighted that the training of medical personnel at undergraduate and postgraduate level takes place in accordance with national and international standards, within two clinical departments: the Department of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Infectious, Tropical Diseases and Medical Parasitology. Moreover, Nicolae Testemitanu University, being always open to innovation, contributes to the development of this field in our country through research carried out under national and international projects. "The prodigious collaboration with partners from other countries gives us the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with scientific news and innovations in the field. The given forum opens new horizons for reforming the medical and pharmaceutical training process, educating new generations of medical specialists, pharmacists, dentists, and nurses with higher education, and contributing to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases, with a major impact on the quality of people's lives", rector Ceban pointed out.

Profesorul Ceban a subliniat că formarea cadrelor medicale la nivel universitar și postuniversitar are loc în conformitate cu standardele naționale și internaționale, în cadrul a două catedre clinice: Catedra de boli infecțioase și Catedra de boli infecțioase, tropicale și parazitologie medicală. De asemenea, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, fiind mereu deschisă spre inovare, contribuie la dezvoltarea acestui domeniu în țara noastră și prin cercetările realizate prin intermediul unor proiecte naționale și internaționale. „Colaborarea prodigioasă cu partenerii din alte țări ne oferă posibilitatea de a ne familiariza cu noutățile științifice și inovațiile în domeniu.  Forumul dat deschide noi orizonturi pentru reformarea procesului de instruire medicală și farmaceutică, educarea noilor generații de specialiști medici, farmaciști, stomatologi și asistenți medicali cu studii superioare și pentru a contribui la prevenirea, diagnosticul și tratamentul  bolilor infecțioase, cu impact major asupra calității vieții oamenilor”, a punctat  rectorul Ceban.   

Angela Paraschiv, State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, mentioned that infectious diseases such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, seasonal flu, and many others have dramatically demonstrated how vulnerable humanity is to microbial threats. Besides, healthcare-associated infections have a considerable impact on public health, causing serious complications, including deaths. "In recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, the acute need for research and collaboration, but also for rapid adaptation to new threats and realities, has been highlighted. This conference offers the possibility to assess the current level of knowledge on infectious pathologies and to identify priority solutions for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases", the Secretary of State said.

For her part, Daniela Demișcan, representative of the World Health Organization in Moldova, noted the role of infectious disease doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic, who were the key element in public health and the entire health system: "You were our guides in learning about this new virus, when we had to change the algorithms of testing, diagnosis and treatment and, last but not least, infection prevention”. 

"In the 21st century we live in uncertain times, with increasing threats across the globe. We are facing epidemiological situations and crises in public health that were once described only in school textbooks and now occur in the Republic of Moldova. In 2022 we also had cases of avian influenza in birds. This interference with the human and porcine virus can create new disease variants that can have lethal consequences of up to 50%. We need an interdisciplinary collaboration in genetic molecular biology with epidemiologists, microbiologists and family physicians. Epidemiology is one of the most valuable specialties today", emphasized Professor Gheorghe Plăcintă, Head of Infectious Diseases Department.

The event was organized in collaboration with the Public Association of Infectious Disease Doctors from the Republic of Moldova and took place on November 3 and 4, 2023. Well-known specialists from abroad also participated in the forum: professors Adrian Streinu-Cercel, Mariana Mărdărescu, Cristiana Oprea, Manuela Arbune, Egidia Miftode and Mihaela Lupșe (Romania); professors Andrzej Horban and Justyna Kowalska (Poland); Prof. Olga Golubovskaya (Ukraine).

infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
infectious disease pathology
patologia infecțioasă

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