MoldMedizin & MoldDent

Scientific achievements of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University researchers displayed at ”Moldmedizin & Molddent” Exhibition

Published: 01.10.2024

Emil Ceban

Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova exhibited its greatest scientific and academic achievements obtained in the year 2024 at the international specialized exhibition of the latest generation medical equipment and innovative solutions MoldMedizin & MoldDent, the XXVII edition.

At the inauguration of the exhibition, which took place on September 26, the University rector Emil Ceban emphasized the relevance of the event for the entire medical community, as it produces an interactive exchange of ideas and innovations between local and foreign specialists in the fields of dentistry and pharmacy. At the same time, he highlighted the fact that the exhibition represented an epicenter where pharmaceutical products, technical innovations, medical and dental consumables, modern medical services, etc. were presented.

Nicolae Testemitanu University was an attraction for dozens of visitors thanks to the varied and interactive program prepared by several university subdivisions, which included presentations, workshops, about 30 posters, invention patents, models, exhibition of scientific publications, informative materials, etc.


The representatives of the Hygiene Discipline within the Preventive Medicine Department organized a workshop on children's traffic safety, giving lectures on responsible traffic behavior based on the mini model of a safe city. Visitors got involved in various interactive and digital activities and learned how to prevent road traffic injuries in children. The same subdivision in collaboration with the National Public Health Agency held a public lecture with the generic title "The interrelationship between the quality of drinking water and climate change - current affairs, impact, adaptation". 

Activities organized by Arsenie Gutan Department of Oral-Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Oral Implantology and Ion Lupan Department of Pediatric Oral-Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Pedodontics aroused the interest of visitors through the demonstrations carried out on dental casts regarding maintaining oral hygiene, performing correct tooth brushing, tooth extraction, etc. 

Vasile Procopisin Social Pharmacy Department in collaboration with the Association of Pharmacists from the Republic of Moldova organized the Scientific-Practical Conference with the generic title "Adjustment of the fields of activity of the pharmaceutical system of the Republic of Moldova in accordance with EU rigors", which ended with a round table with the topic “News and perspectives of the domestic pharmaceutical industry”.

Besides, at the University stand, researchers from the Gerontology Laboratory and the Discipline of Geriatrics and Occupational Medicine measured the quality of bone and muscle tissue and made a presentation on maintaining the autonomy of the elderly, thus promoting healthy aging.

Specialists of the Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynecology within the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology presented the results of the study “Psycho-emotional profile in women of reproductive age after surgical menopause”, informing the target group about the negative impact of surgical menopause on the quality of life.

The discipline of Clinical Syntheses within the Department of Internal Medicine promoted early diagnosis based on clinical probability with the help of the original Geneva score, revised and confirmed by paraclinical investigations of the first and second stages, as well as the timely treatment with fibrinolytics and anticoagulants of pulmonary thromboembolism.

Representatives of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Manual Therapy organized an interactive workshop with the generic "Applicative-practical aspects in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation", while those from the Department of Pediatrics held several discussions with the visitors on the topic "Prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases starting from childhood".


Researchers from the Department of Neurology no. 2 and the Laboratory of Neurobiology and Medical Genetics informed the public, through posters, PowerPoint presentations, mock-ups, about stroke: risk factors, prevention and treatment, but also about the high-density EEG service and perspectives at the National Epileptology Center. 

At the same time, visitors benefited from a free ear check, provided by otolaryngologists of the Otorhinolaryngology Department who presented the contemporary methods of examination and treatment in the pathology of the nose and ear, while members of the Department of Ophthalmology described new treatment methods and devices in ophthalmology. 

Representatives of the Department of Military and Disaster Medicine provided useful information on the VEN-GP v.1.0 Tectonic Earthquake Simulation Interactive Model.  

The exhibition program also included several thematic conferences organized by: the Department of Laboratory Medicine - "Innovations and Challenges in Laboratory Medicine", Gheorghe Ciobanu Department of Medical Emergencies and Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology - "Current Affairs in Traumatological Emergencies in the Republic of Moldova”. 

The Health Sciences Library exhibited dozens of monographs, textbooks, compendiums and guides published during 2023-2024 by members of the university community. 

For the first time, the "MoldMedizin & MoldDent" Exhibition also integrated the Moldovan Medical Tourism section, with the presentation of more than 20 international clinics with world-class medical and aesthetic services. The event was opened with a flashmob, organized by the University students - members of the Association of Medical Students and Residents from Moldova. 

The "MoldMedizin & MoldDent" exhibition took place between September 26-29 under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova.


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