Teaching process at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy is taking place online during October 01 - 15, 2021
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy will conduct remote education during the next two weeks, starting with October 1st, 2021. This is envisaged in Decision of the Board of Directors No. 7/2 and in Rector's Order No. 251-A of 30.09.2021, issued pursuant to Decisions No. 61 of September 9, 2021 and No. 62 of September 22 of the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission (NEPHC), Circular of the Ministry of Education and Research No. 03 / 2-09 / 4564 of September 29, 2021, in order to protect the life and health of study beneficiaries and employees of Nicolae Testemitanu University, as a result of the evolution of the epidemiological situation and measures taken by authorities to prevent the spread of the epidemic caused by COVID- 19.
The educational process, including lectures, seminars, practical works, consultations, catch-up hours for all programs and years of study, will take place online, except for sixth year students, groups M1622-M1637, Medicine study program, who will continue their clinical internship, and those who will undergo training and evaluation during this period at the University Center for Simulation in Medical Training (UCSMT), according to the approved schedule.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors, Rector Emil Ceban stressed that Nicolae Testemitanu University had been a model institution for the country’s educational establishments by promoting and getting involved in information and vaccination activities, especially among its students and employees, in order to be prepared for the conduct of medical training in a normal regime. A strong argument is that currently 92% of students and 96% of University employees are vaccinated. At the same time, through the issued order, the Rector gave assurances that the University would strictly respect the provisions of the NEPHC decisions, expressing hope that, in a short time, medical students would be able to return to the university lecture halls.
The First Vice-Rector Olga Cernetchi, Vice-Rector for Didactic Activity, mentioned that, based on the restrictions imposed by authorities, the University developed its own activity scenario, ensuring the observance of all measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission. Thus, the current evaluations, defined in the discipline curriculum, such as clinical case solving, situation problem solving, testing in Moodle, Classroom, individual and group project, written work based on predetermined statements, etc., shall be carried out online. For optional subjects, the provisions are identical – online educational activity. The dean offices and heads of teaching subdivisions will monitor the attendance of students and the implementation of virtual training through the Live Courses module, while academic staff members will enter daily in the University Management Information System (UMIS) the data on the attendance of medical students and the results of current assessments.
Tatiana Novac, Head of the Legal and Human Resources Department, specified that under the restrictions imposed by the national authorities, established according to the Code Red alert given for Chisinau, some measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 infection at institutional level would be introduced pursuant to Rector's Order No. 253-A of 30.09.2021 regarding the activity of the University during 01.10.2021-15.10.2021. Thus, both the teaching process for students and the continuing medical education courses will take place remotely. At the same time, university subdivisions whose specific activities do not allow work from home can introduce an individual work program. Likewise, the scientific events – conferences, congresses, symposia – shall be organized only online, except for clinical activity, which will take place as usual. Furthermore, access to gyms shall be limited - only upon presentation of the COVID-19 certificate.
It should be mentioned that at present, 5711 young people are studying at Nicolae Testemitanu University, of which 1747 are foreign citizens.
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