Two young researchers from ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University won the World Federation of Scientists Scholarship
Researchers Irina Cabac-Pogorevici, Associate Professor at the Cardiology Discipline, and Rodica Eremciuc, Assistant Professor at the Department of Pediatrics of the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, have obtained the Excellence Scholarship offered by the World Federation of Scientists (WFS) for the academic year 2024-2025. The confirmation certificates were handed to them on October 21, during a ceremony hosted by the National Agency for Research and Development.
In the scholarship competition, Irina Cabac-Pogorevici participated with the project Optimizing the diagnosis and therapy of heart failure through artificial intelligence: An innovative approach for accurate classification and personalized therapy. "The aim of the project is to develop an artificial intelligence model that will improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic heart failure. At the same time, based on the model, the clinical and paraclinical data of patients will be analyzed in depth, providing a detailed classification of chronic heart failure, thus allowing the selection of an optimal treatment for each person. This approach aims not only to deepen the understanding of the diversity of clinical and paraclinical manifestations of chronic heart failure, but also to support the development of personalized therapeutic strategies, adapted to the unique profile of each patient", the young researcher specified.
For her part, Rodica Eremciuc participated in the contest with the project "The applicability of the tri-ponderal index in combating obesity in children from the Republic of Moldova". The objective of the project is to evaluate the effectiveness of the tri-ponderal index in the diagnosis of cardiometabolic comorbidities with the aim of improving the healthcare provided to children with chronic nutritional disorders in the Republic of Moldova.
As a result of the contest through the Scholarship Program offered by the World Scholars Fund for the year 2024-2025, 10 doctoral students and young researchers from the Republic of Moldova were named winners.
The Republic of Moldova has been a member of the WFS since 1999. The WFS National Scholarship Program aims to support young researchers and PhD students in carrying out research activities in our country, under the guidance of the best national researchers.
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