Viorel Jinga - Doctor Honoris Causa of „Nicolae Testemitanu” University
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova conferred the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa upon university professor Viorel Jinga, Doctor of Medical Sciences, rector of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest, Romania, head of the Urology Clinic of Prof. Dr. Th. Burghele Clinical Hospital. The high title was awarded to him as a sign of appreciation of his professional activity at the national and international level and gratitude for the inter-institutional cooperation.
In Laudatio, the rector of „Nicolae Testemitau” University, professor Emil Ceban, mentioned important aspects of the multilateral collaboration with professor Viorel Jinga and the Faculty of Medicine of Carol Davila University. According to the rector, Professor Jinga is a prominent personality in the health area, having indisputable authority in Romania and throughout the world. Mutually beneficial cooperation relations between our institutions started with the independence of the Republic of Moldova. Thus, favorable conditions have been created for the establishment of relations between departments and specialized disciplines, as well as between professors from both countries. Over the years, thanks to the efforts and special attitude of Professor Viorel Jinga and his colleagues from Bucharest, the professional activity in the area of academic mobility, practical internships and continuing refresher training of scientific-didactic staff and urologists has intensified.
"We owe Professor Viorel Jinga the development of the Urology specialty in the Republic of Moldova. Conferences, congresses, symposia and other types of scientific events are organized in partnership and with his direct support. He participates as an official referent or member of the specialized scientific councils on doctoral and Habilitated Doctor theses in medical sciences. By virtue of the exercise functions, Professor Jinga provided advisory help and treated several patients with various complicated urological pathologies in the Republic of Moldova", the rector noted.
Rector Emil Ceban expressed his gratitude towards the distinguished professor Jinga, including for the essential contribution to the development of higher medical education at Nicolae Testemitanu University through impressive book donations: textbooks, monographs, treatises on urology - a valuable didactic basis that we received from Carol Davila University from Bucharest for the training and professional development of urological specialists working in the Republic of Moldova. Professor Viorel Jinga is also the co-author of the four volumes of the Urology Treatise, considered a treasure in terms of providing the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology of our university with didactic material.
The Rector has mentioned that Professor Jinga will ensure the participation of 8 specialists (Associate Professors, PhD students and resident doctors) at the National Congress of Urology - ROMURO 2022, which will take place between May 25-27.
Professor Adrian Tanase, head of the Department of Urology and Surgical Nephrology of Nicolae Testemitanu University, honorary president of the Society of Urologists from the Republic of Moldova, appreciated the long-term collaborative relations between our university and Carol Davila University. "Approximately 30 years ago, several members of our department participated for the first time in a congress dedicated to urology and nephrology, organized in Iași, Romania, where we initiated a fruitful scientific collaboration that continues today. The exchange of experience and participation in scientific events in the fields of urology, nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation, both in Romania and in Chisinau, led to the development of the health system. On behalf of all urologists and nephrologists of our country, I express gratitude and appreciation to colleagues from Romania, in particular to Professor Jinga for his openness, joint partnership and lasting friendship.
Professor Jinga felt quite emotional noting that he participated in many similar ceremonies, but this one "is most special" and would surely set an example for his counterparts in Romania. Also, in his speech he specified that “this is a very heart touching moment" when Chisinau Alma Mater awards him the high distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa and "metaphorically speaking” he would like “to reply with an infinite thanks”.
"Both from the position of rector and Doctor Honoris Causa, I will do everything in my power to open together new doors to medical scientific research, to quality medical education and to achieve the much desired academic excellence and the well-being of our patients. I firmly believe that together we will be able to unravel a great part of the mysteries that this infinity called Medicine poses for us, and when science will have passed through centuries or millennia of challenges, the advanced medical research of the moment will stop to thank our joint projects whose results will be deemed remarkable. I believe that together we will be able to ensure the continuity of the educational progress inherited from our predecessors, in an academic community based on initiation, evolution, excellence, we will carry on consistently and confidently in all areas of activity", stated the rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
At the end of the ceremony, Professor Viorel Jinga delivered an engaging lecture to members of the university community on the topic Challenges in the treatment of lithiasis in the calyceal diverticulum.
Viorel Jinga was born on March 24, 1962. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest in 1988. Between the years 1990-1994 he followed the post-graduate internship in Urology at the Urology Clinic of Prof. Dr.Th. Burghele Clinical Hospital in Bucharest, obtaining the diploma of medical specialist in urology. The period of 1994-2004 proved to be effective in terms of professional growth, when he obtained the diploma of primary doctor in the Urology specialty (1998) and acquired skills in general ultrasound area (1993-1996).
In the years 1999-2000, he completed his post-graduate studies specializing in the "Usage of Radioactive Isotopes", and in 2004 he studied to obtain the competence in Health Services Management. While deepening his professional knowledge and cultivating his skills, urologist Viorel Jinga also got involved in pedagogical activity.
In 1991, through a competition, he was employed as an assistant at the Urology Clinic of Prof. Dr. Th. Burghele Clinical Hospital where, during around 3 decades, he excelled in his career, climbing all the traditional steps of university hierarchy from university trainer in 1991, university assistant in 1995, university lecturer in 2000, Associate Professor in 2004, till university professor in 2013, and from 2020 until now - rector of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. In parallel with his clinical and didactic activity, the young specialist engaged in an intensive research activity within the framework of his doctoral studies (1997-2000), which culminated with the defense of his doctoral thesis in medical sciences titled The contribution of Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of renal tumors.
The pedagogical and managerial qualities of Professor Viorel Jinga were fully revealed in the position of vice-dean of the Faculty of General Medicine of Carol Davila University, a position held by him with great wisdom and dedication from 2012 to 2016.
During years of multilateral activity, the perseverance and analytical spirit of scientist Viorel Jinga have materialized in over 300 scientific works, presented at specialized conferences and congresses. He is the author of over 70 scientific articles, published in ISI indexed journals, as well as the author of over 20 books, treatises and monographs of a high scientific-practical value. The distinguished professor's main areas of research are: urinary infections of the urogenital system, urogenital tuberculosis, modern methods of investigation and treatment in urology, genetic epidemiology of cancer in Romania, optimization of early diagnosis in prostatic adenocarcinoma, renal tumors of children and adults, etc.
The Hirsch index speaks about the scientific value of Professor Jinga's publications: it constituted 19 in Web of Science, Scopus and Google Academic, while the number of citations in Web of Science reached 1408. Under the scientific guidance of scholar Viorel Jinga, as doctoral theses supervisor, 12 doctoral theses were completed and defended, which means a real scientific school. The scientist participated as a coordinator in national and international research projects and grants and as an external advisor on projects in the HORIZON-2020 Framework Program, as well as in national projects. He has also served as a main investigator in more than 25 clinical trials.
Prof. Viorel Jinga's extraordinary organizational qualities, increased interest in acquiring new knowledge were highly appreciated by the University administration, which in the period of 2016-2020 offered him the responsible position of vice-rector for activity in university management. Professor Jinga combined his vast pedagogical, scientific and managerial activity, marked by an exemplary attitude, with an extensive clinical activity, dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of urological diseases.
Dr. Viorel Jinga has other responsible obligations at the national and international level such as member of the Romanian Association of Urology, the Balkan Medical Society, member of the European Society of Ultrasonography, the European Association of Urology, the International Society of Urology and the American Urological Association.
In 2019, Professor Viorel Jinga was decorated with the Medical Merit Order in the rank of Knight for outstanding multilateral activity in education, scientific achievements in the field of medical specialties, performance and innovation in medicine, the results obtained in the improvement of the medical act, of university management, science and urological practice, as well as for his special human qualities, and was appreciated with numerous awards and diplomas of excellence.
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