”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova intensified measures to prevent the infection with coronavirus
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The rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, professor Emil Ceban, organized today, March 9, an extraordinary meeting with the University Administration Board, at which participated the heads of Departments of Infectious, Tropical and Medical Parasitology, Epidemiology, Infectious diseases, General Hygiene, Hygiene in order to discuss the epidemiological situation regarding the new type Coronavirus (COVID-19), created at national and international level. The action took place because of the announcement of the code orange by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection.
During the meeting, the deans of faculties presented information on the attendance of local and international students at hours and the cases of illnesses, which do not exceed 1% of the total number of medical doctors.
As a result, the Order no. 51-A of 09.03.2020 On the strengthening of prophylaxis measures on new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was issued, accesible also in English, which provides the followings:
To establish an epidemiological Commission at the University level, which will periodically meet for discussing and analyzing the current situation regarding the COVID-19 in our country.
The epidemiological situation of COVID-19 infection is under control of the state authorities, which does not require suspending the teaching process of Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh.
Compliance with the provisions of Order no. 41-A of 27.02.2020 On the prophylaxis measures of the new type Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which can be accessed in English language;
Exclusion of direct contact of the students with patients in the hospitals through:
holding the lectures in classrooms or on on-line platforms;
discussing the theoretical material and clinical cases according to the study program;
reducing the study program (8:00-11:30 and 12:00-15:30).
Systematic monitoring of the health status of students during the classes by the teaching staff, and identifying those students who have some symptoms, with the recommendation to address to the family doctor and not to come to classes.
Opening a provisional medical center within the Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh (26/1, N. Testemitanu str.), tel.: 022 205 585.
Informing the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection on the prophylaxis measures of the new type Coronavirus infection taken at the University level.
The administration of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy urges the University community and the population to keep calm and be responsible by respecting strictly the recommendations of World Health Organization, through applying the prevention measures of the new type Coronavirus infection, to get informed from official source – Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, to refrain from declarations on this subject, in hope that we will soon overcome this emergency situation in public health.
More information on prevention measures of the new type Coronavirus infection can be found:
Information on general prevention measures of COVID-19 infection, which is systematically updated in database of official sources, find here:
1.https://usmf.md/ro/noutati/masuri-de-prevenire-si-control-infectiei-cu-coronavirus-de-tip-nou-covid-19 (in Romanian);
2. https://usmf.md/en/noutati/prevention-and-control-measures-coronavirus-infection (in English);
3. https://usmf.md/ru/noutati/osnovnye-mery-predostorozhnosti-dlya-zaschity-ot-novoy-koronavirusnoy-infekcii (in Russian).
Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova:
Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova:
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