The Rector's message for the students
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Dear students,
The epidemiological situation in which we are, as a result of the spread of the new type of coronavirus, is an unprecedented one and forced us to undertake a series of drastic measures - suspending the teaching process, total isolation at home, carrying out the methodological-didactic activities from distance, prohibiting travel in the interest of service across the country, limiting the visits of friends and relatives and so on. These preventive measures have been applied in order to protect your health and life, but also to stop the spread of COVID-19.
In these difficult conditions, the University administration is with you and we share confidence that we will emerge victorious from this scourge with the invisible enemy Coronavirus.
We know that the students of VI-th year (Medicine) and those of V-th year (Dentistry, Pharmacy) are now experiencing the greatest emotions. Our recommendation is to focus now on writing your licence thesis and to prepare intensively to take the graduation exams (the questions are accessible in the University Management Information System - SIMU - Be sure that in the summer we will launch a new graduation promotion - doctors and pharmacists, who will be among the Health professionals for whom the good of society is above their own good.
In this period we have been and remain concerned about your health. We are glad for all the students who managed to go home to their parents, mainly the international students. But the real situation is that there are more 500 Indian students in the country, 380 of whom live in hostels. We assure you that we take care of them, they are visited daily by representatives of the University administration to monitor their health and psycho-emotional state, and, if necessary, they are assisted by psychologists from the Center for Psychological Counselling and Career Guidance.
Dear students, we inform you that, starting with March 30, the teaching process will take place on online platforms, using modern information technologies. In this situation, distance learning can be the best solution for ensuring the continuity of study process. Therefore, please access daily SIMU and personal e-mail address, where you will receive the invitations of the teachers to participate in online lectures and discussions of case studies in virtual regime. Currently, the members of the fundamental and clinical departments are working on the development of on-line courses and in a short time you will be notified (via SIMU) about the ways of accessing and operating them.
In order to facilitate communication with students in crisis situation, we set up the Green Line +373 62 017 017, to which you can call in case of emergency 24/24.
A special message is addressed to resident-doctors, who are on duty to guard the people health in various medical institutions in the country, offering support in providing medical assistance. We are very proud that we have trained qualified specialists and Thank you for showing professionalism, devotion and commitment in this difficult period.
Also, we express our gratitude to our colleagues, to all the frontline healthcare workers (doctors, resident-doctors, nurses, laboratory workers, etc.), who interact directly with the patients infected with the new type coronavirus, and show great responsibility, despite the physical and moral exhaustion, and continue monitoring the patients’ health by providing medical assistance and empathy, and saving lives.
Finally, we come with a general urge: COMPLY WITH THE AUTHORITIES RECOMMENDATIONS STRICTLY, TAKE ALL MEASURES TO PREVENT COVID-19 INFECTION AND STAY HOME! TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND THE HEALTH OF YOUR DEAR PEOPLE! We remain hopeful that only in this way we will be able soon to return to normal.
Rector Emil Ceban,
MD, PhD, Professor
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