Collaboration agreement between the Diaspora Relations Office and ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
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The Diaspora Relations Office (BRD) of the State Chancellery, Government of the Republic of Moldova, supports the initiative of ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy to create DiaMed.MD – a network of medical diaspora of the Republic of Moldova – in order to establish a permanent mechanism of cooperation within the medical community consisting of compatriots, government and academia, thus facilitating the implementation of joint activities in the field of research and innovation. For this purpose, BRD and Nicolae Testemitanu University signed a collaboration agreement on June 4.
Rector Emil Ceban believes the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University must be competitive in terms of developing the scientific potential, permanently keeping one step ahead, and, in this way, managing to help the health system and the population meet the coming challenges. According to professor Emil Ceban, the diaspora has become much more active, recently getting involved in the socio-economic life of the republic, including well-known personalities – doctors and scientists who bring fame to Alma Mater and our country abroad:
”We launched the DiaMed.MD platform in order to form a virtual space for dialogue and collaboration between researchers, former students of the University, as a permanent tool for communication and implementation of innovations in local medical science”. The Rector emphasized that this would mean a future for the development of the university National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INCMS), as it intended to set up laboratories and scientific centers where former graduates could return to implement new projects.
Nadejda Zubco, Head of BRD, has expressed, on behalf of the institution, her willingness to support the initiative to identify and capitalize on the human potential of the diaspora in the context of implementing programs and policies for the development of medical sciences in the Republic of Moldova.
”BRD counts on the interest and openness of the medical diaspora and is ready to provide the dialogue and expertise government platform for public institutions. It is important to know and capitalize on the achievements of our citizens settled abroad, just as it is essential to develop effective mechanisms for their communication and continuous involvement in the socio-economic life of the country of origin. In particular, I am referring to the potential of the highly qualified diaspora and, first of all, of the medical diaspora in mitigating the challenges that humanity faces today”, said the BRD representative.
According to Nadezhda Zubco, the synergy of BRD and ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy will lead to tangible results in the continuous development of DiaMed.MD platform as a tool for communication and involvement, including by weekly distribution of newsletters to the diaspora, as well as organizing tripartite activities for consultations, exchange of information, opinions and transfer of knowledge.
Academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research, Director of INCMS, stated that the University had been maintaining permanent cooperation with the diaspora, in order to have the opportunity to promote more evaluation, education and research strategies through the disciples who represented it in different laboratories and clinics abroad.
”Our institution implements the concept of education through research, and the DiaMed.MD initiative is part of the Strategy for strengthening the field of research and innovation at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” University for the period 2020-2030. At present, without involvement in the internationalization process and without international experience, the Republic of Moldova cannot move forward on its own. Medicine means health which, in turn, implies a higher quality of life and greater longevity, for this reason, the health education issue must be one of the key aspects in promoting the country's well-being”, concluded the professor.
Fellow countrymen engaged in medical research work can register on the DiaMed.MD network by filling out an online form:
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