1455 people vaccinated at the 3rd University Marathon of Immunization against COVID-19
- 256 просмотров
From student to student immunization marathon against COVID-19, 3rd edition, organized at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, contributed to the immunization of 1455 people in our country. The action took place on Sunday, July 18, at the vaccination point opened at the University Sociocultural Center, where 532 citizens received AstraZeneca booster shots and 923 people - Johnson & Johnson.
Due to the large number of citizens gathered before the opening of the Marathon, a need appeared to increase the number of immunization flows to 8, two more than originally expected, and to start immunization earlier, at 7:30. Immunization flows were flexible, as organizers adapted their activity according to the demand of citizens who came to get vaccinated.
Family doctors and nurses from Primary Health Care Clinic of Nicolae Testemitanu University, students and resident physicians - members of the Association of Medical Students and Residents - who, this time, volunteered again, offering their support, scientific-teaching staff from clinical departments and administrative personnel, who conducted the vaccination action and monitored the whole process, have contributed significantly to the immunization of the population.
At the end of the action, Associate Professor Marcel Abras, Vice-Rector for Social Activity, has stated: “young people are a driving force that can change things in certain situations, the COVID-19 pandemic is one of those situations, and each of us helped to stop it. We are one step closer to getting rid of the pandemic, but the most important thing is to be able to meet in classrooms on September 1st". In his closing remarks, Vice-Rector Abraș expressed his appreciation and heartfelt thanks to marathon participants on behalf of the entire administrative team of the University.
From student to student university immunization marathon has been organized in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova, with the support of the Council of Rectors of Moldova.
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