Scientific event in the framework of OBDIA-NET integrated cross-border network

Published: 29.11.2022

Scientific and teaching staff, students, resident doctors and practitioners participated in the scientific event titled "Multidisciplinary approach to the management of obesity, diabetes and other nutritional disorders established within the OBDIA-NET integrated cross-border network". The scientific event took place at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova on November 25, 2022. It was also attended by a delegation from Grigore T. Popa Iasi University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania.

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In the opening, the Vice-Rector for research activity, academician Stanislav Groppa, emphasized that: "Research is the factor that generates progress and inspires both the teaching and the implementation process in clinical activity. One of the strategic goals of our university is to teach and learn medicine through research. This mechanism helps to shape the principles of learning, understanding and applying what we study. Another goal is internationalization, by expanding collaborative relationships with other top universities. During the event we will discuss an important project for both parties and we will address relevant aspects of an integral issue of contemporary medicine".

Later, academician Stanislav Groppa presented the report "Strategic research development priorities at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy”.

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For his part, university professor Bogdan-Ionel Tamba, OBDIA-NET project country coordinator, coordinator of the Advanced Research and Development Center for Experimental Medicine (CEMEX) mentioned that: "I like it when things are done slowly and well rather than quickly and poorly. Nice things are happening in this cross-border collaboration. It is the beginning of a platform that will be found in the future in several research initiatives of the medical world. Today, we are here to help people, that's the goal, we don't do research for the sake of research, but to increase the quality of life for our patients." Next, the project coordinator made a presentation entitled "Integrated cross-border network for advanced health services in the field of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders - OBDIA-NET", and spoke about the main projects carried out in the six years of activity.

During the scientific event, topics such as: the development of experimental medicine, pulmonary complications associated with obesity and diabetes, obesity in children, diabetes in the Republic of Moldova, emerging technologies and virtual reality in the prevention and management of obesity, the role of confocal microscopy in differential and precise diagnosis for specialized treatment, bariatric surgery and others.

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